59 the tree

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59 the tree

"And where could the Jedi Temple be?" Rey asks Mataly.
She is the responsible on Chandrila to explain what is where and commands the control room. Her pitch black hair is straight and shoulder length. Eyes of the same colour as the hair seem to analyse everything around and notice every single detail. "I've thought about a house, it's uninhabited." Mataly sits down in front of a screen and quickly types on the keyboard. A picture appears. "It's not far from here by Airspeeders. We have plenty of them here for you. I'll ask someone to show it. If you like it, we will ask to restore the house for your Jedi Temple."
"I think it's good. Is there a cellar?" Rey asks.
"Yes, two of them," Mataly answers.
"How many people can stay there?"
"There are plenty of rooms, we estimate about fifteen persons."
Rey purses her lip. "I don't know if that's enough."
"We can make it bigger. It will take a year. There could be space for more than twenty five persons plus rooms where they can all assemble and train. Outside is also a possibility to train."
"Okay, yeah. That's good. I think it will take around a year to properly start everything anyway. I'd like to go there today?"
"Grant!" Mataly suddenly yells. "Can you take Rey to the house for the Jedi Temple later?"
"Of course, when do you have time?" One head appears from the sea of screens and desks.
"In two hours," Rey proposes.
"Okay, I'll meet you at the garage." His head disappears again in the mass of computers.
Rey decides to go out and explore the tree that she saw on the roof. As she gets out of the building, she breathes the fresh air of the planet. It's different from the one in Ajan Kloss, but still as relieving. The nature is not far from the base since it's at the edge of the city. Rey recognises the tree in the horizon and starts walking in its direction. The days are shorter on Chandrila, she will have to get used to it.  The tree comes closer and then, it's in front of her, taller than she thought. Its trunk is few diameters large, the branches go up into the sky. The leaves are coloured in a dark red and a third of the tree is surrounded by its shadow. Rey can see a forest a few kilometres away and maybe there is also the sea in the opposite direction. She sits down on the ground and leans against the trunk. Rey lets her thoughts drift and wander wildly in her head. She remembers Shana's yellow eyes the first time she went to the vision. Can she really do it? Memories of Ben also come up to the surface. All this time, she buried them in a sea, but the waves flushed them out again. It gives her a smile and again, this mix of happiness and grief in her. Rey still has to discover so much, the Force still has mysteries that are yet to unsolve and she can't wait to find out more about it. Footsteps approach her, it's Finn. When he was on the roof today, he saw Rey sitting there and decided to join her.
"What are you doing here?" Finn asks.
"Absolutely nothing." She taps on the floor, inviting him to sit down next to her. Both of them enjoy the sunshine on their faces, the chirping birds and the silence between them.
"The weather is definitely better here," Finn remarks.
Rey responds with a chuckle and notices that other people are heading toward the tree. Zorii, the future politician next to the Naboo arrive too and join the growing group. Since the boy told Poe why he really left his family, Poe feels even closer to him. It isn't because he pities him, it's because he knows that Yugantar will need help and he also has been through stuff that he prefers to keep shut. Yugantar chooses a place in the shadow, avoiding the sunshine. Poe lets himself down next to Rey to fill his batteries with rays of lights, Zorii on his other side. The next silhouette appearing is Rose, who places herself on Finn's side. He gently takes her hand and squeezes it softly. Rose gives him a grateful smile. Shana followed by Jannah come too.
"You're all there. May I join?" Shana asks.
"Of course," Rey responds.
The shadow is preferable for her, she enjoys the light breeze on her bare skin. Jannah lays down in the sunshine. No one says a word, but hear the breathing of the others. In this moment, everyone feels good. The presence of the friends make them feel safe and welcome. A warmth surrounds them, like they would form one person and one only. Everyone thinks about something different but it doesn't distinguish them.
"We should never forget each other," Rose suddenly declares.
"Never. How could I?" Finn answers.
"You guys are the best," Rey adds laughing.
"Seriously, Rey is right," Poe chuckles.
"You're all really amazing. I'm so grateful to get to know you," Yugantar states.
"I can't wait to get to know you better," Shana admits.
"Nothing should separate us" Jannah dares.
"I'm glad I met you on Kijimi," Zorii adds.
"By the way, Yugi, you speak way better than when I met you first," Rey notices.
"I know, right?" he exclaims.
"Mine still needs improvement," Shana complains.
"But your accent is quite cute," Poe says.
"I don't like it. I hope I'll get rid of it," she answers.
"Oh, I talked to the murderers that killed Hux and – " Poe starts.
"Honestly, Poe. Not now," Rey stops him.
A few shush him, so he agrees to talk about it somewhen later.
Far away from the tree stands Ben, looking at the friends. All he hopes is that one day he could be part of this round.

(Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex)

Only three chapters left! I'm so excited to finally publish the end :)

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