10 confessing

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10 confessing

Again a knock, Rey will never be able to be on her own in the night. Surprisingly, it's not Finn who stands there but the new Padawan.
"Hey," Rey just says and lets him in.
He sits down on the ground next to her. She looks into his green eyes and there is so much mystery inside of them. He's silent and Rey understands that he's not here to talk.
"I'm in love," Rey says, not being precautious. "He was the new Sith, the new leader. The son of two great people who are fighting on the Light Side. His grandfather was a man corrupted with good and bad. Anakin, the one you saw this morning. He died as a good man and the man I love had the aim to finish what Anakin started. His name as a Sith – a Jedi from the Dark Side – was Darth Vader. His uncle, Luke, taught him the ways of the Force. Luke has also taught me. He saw too much bad in him, so Luke tried to kill him. That treason turned him to the Dark Side. I knew there was a conflict in him. The Force connected us, we communicated without being at the same place. We could pass each other objects. I nearly killed him, but then I decided to heal his wound, because I believed in the good. He decided then to turn to the Light Side again. We fought together against my evil grandfather, Palpatine. The man I love was by my side, Palpatine took our lives out of us because of this bond between us. The man I love tried to kill the Emperor, but he fell off a cliff, moved by the hands of my – " She doesn't finish the word. "I killed him by reflecting his lightnings that come out of his hand. A special power in his family. It killed himself. If I had done it, his soul would be in my body. I was weak, I died." Rey stops for a moment, the tears shine in her eyes. "The man I love came and healed me, brought me back to life. I kissed him... (she swallows but the lump in her throat doesn't leave) He died. He sacrificed himself for me. Because he thought he didn't deserve to live. And I miss him so much and so bad, I can't do this without him, you know?"
Yugantar doesn't say a word, but he carefully listened to her story. "Kylo Ren?" he asks after some silence.
"How do you know that?" Rey responds.
"I heard some people say his name. That he's the biggest Sith. After Palpaltine."
Rey smiles. "Palpatine."
"Ah," he chuckles too.
Rey notices that he opens his mouth and closes it again. He wants to say something.
"I was in the Amidala's dynasty. But I left them. There was a lot of pressure on me in order to make me a king one day. There was a day when we were out and I just left. I was five. I found many different places where I lived. Then there was this house. I couldn't get an education, so I don't know anything about your Skywalkers and Palpatines."
Rey smiles sadly. She puts her hand around Yugantar's shoulders, he rests his head on her neck. She notices that he could be part of the Skywalker family. A cousin of second degree or something. The thought stroke her, she has a royal in her arms.
"You're strong, living on your own since you're a little boy. I hope you can get used to so many people."
"Don't worry, I will. I sneaked into markets where thousands of people moved on one street," he replies.
"Do you want to know about the story of the Jedis?" Rey asks.
"I'd love to," he smiles.
Rey starts and after ten minutes, when she just started with Anakin growing up and meeting Padme again, he nods off. She pulls him up to her bed and writes the book for Finn. She knows that she is responsible for the teaching but she has to go. She hears the lightsabers calling day and night, she can't close an eye at any time. She has to get them. Now she puts a final point on her book, wakes BB-8 up and heads to the Millennium Falcon, leaving incognito, no one noticing.

Drops of sweat roll down his face, he is back. And not alone. Palpatine with Kylo Ren and many many other Siths with red lightsabers on, ready to kill. He looks around himself. Alone. He's on his own. A blaster and a body, nothing else. He has to fight them all in order to survive. One against more than hundreds, that's totally unfair. There is no equality when it comes to the Empire. They walk closer and closer in their black gowns while his breath gets faster and faster. He has to negotiate, he has no choice. But these people have no mercy. The fear tights his throat, his heart beats so fast that it seems it nearly doesn't pound anymore. Kylo Ren steps out and stands in front of him, the other Siths behind.
"Don't worry, I will not harm you," he says through his mask.
He has an idea and he's begging that it will work. He therefore puts his hand behind his back.
"So Finn, all you have to do is tell me where Rey is. Or should I call you FN-2187?"
"I don't know where she is," Finn answers, his voice trembling.
"If you want it more painful, I can assure that for you," Kylo says, his face coming closer.
"Please take that mask off," Finn whispers.
Kylo Ren pulls the mask from his head, revealing Rey's face. He looks behind her and all the Siths are Rey. As Palpatine, Darth Maul, Darth Vader,... His breath is fast and heavy, no air penetrates his lungs, he's chocking and coughing. He gasps for air.
Lying in his bed, covered in sweat, Finn lets out a little scream, mixed with a sob and a moan. He digs his head into his hands. He needs to tell Rey about this. He runs out of his room to hers. "Rey£" he yells as he opens the door.
But he finds Yugantar instead, who jerks in surprise. As he looks back to Finn, he hands him to book.
"She's gone," Yugantar states. "Left tonight."
"Shit. Why now? I can't teach you, I don't know how this works."
"Just read the book, it might help," Yugantar answers motionless and walks past Finn, who feels like trouble is waiting.

"What's that face, bud?" Poe asks as Finn enters the main hall.
"Rey left for her conquest of lightsabers. I believe so. She'll be gone for a week or more and while that I have to teach the new guy to become a Jedi! What is that? Just with this stupid book."
"It's fine, I'll help. Just read the book, I think it will make it easier for you," he answers, patting his shoulder and heads to Zorii.
"You'll never give up, right?" she greets with a chuckle. She wears her red outfit with the mask, never leaving it.
"No, I won't," he grins.
"We got plenty of work to do. It's more important than discussing our past and feelings from back then."
"Why from back then? They're still there, aren't they?" Poe says with his hugest smile.
"I do not know," Zorii avoids looking at him and he notices that.
"That's not a 'no'."
"Nor a yes, Poe. You want to eat? Because I'm hungry."
"Yeah," Poe agrees and they walk to the food hall side by side. Their hands touch slightly, both of them don't really want to take their hand away. As they grab the food, they sit face to face, staring into each other's eyes. Or at the glass in front of them.
"Why don't you take that mask off? It's hot in here."
"I don't want you to see it," she replies harshly.
"What is so bad about it? You're beautiful –"
She laughs artificially in response, opens the under part of the mask to eat. Poe can't help but look at her lips. He remembers their touch. He blinks to avoid daydreaming in front of her and starts eating his meal that doesn't taste so bad. How will he win her heart back? But also, how will he restore the galaxy? What is going to be good for everyone? What happens with all the people who worked for the Empire? He can't find a solution in his own, he needs others people's opinions, even though the discussions will seem endless. All the opinions and arguments will be confronted. He sighs, he should really start thinking about it more.
"What do you think?" he asks mouthful. "What planets need the more help?" He tries to focus on the questions and food, but then she starts speaking. Without her mask, he can hear her real voice and he rediscovers a part of his memory. He can't really concentrate on what she says.
"Are you listening?" she snaps.
"Yeah totally," he lies. But he knows that she knows that he did not listen to her words. She sighs in response and then asks his opinion. He rattles down a list of planets he thought about, Zorii adds some or decides that others need less help.
"And what should we do to help them?" he asks.
"Food if they don't have good conditions, a new home if the planet is inhabitable. Move them to somewhere where they are welcomed and protected. Slavery must be stopped, violence also. We could give financial help to planet who can organise things on their own. That's it globally."
"Yeah that's true, then we need to decide what each planet needs," he decides, proud that he listened to her.
"Let's do that today with the whole council. It will be some distraction form the other drama. First we need to help, then we can restore our system. Many don't agree with that, but we'll get this through," she says and places her hand on his.
He freezes for some time, mhms and keeps chewing. The contact with her gloves feels like electricity. No, no, you have to think about the galaxy first, he tries to convince himself. Zorii finishes eating and leaves without saying a word. Poe didn't even gulp down half of his food. Rose touches his shoulder and asks if she could sit down next to him. He looks at the empty seat in front of him. He misses her already.
"Rey left, right? She's a really spontaneous girl," Rose tries to start the conversation.
"Yeah she is," Poe laughs.
"Okay there is something important," Rose says suddenly serious, looking into Poe's eyes. "We need to find jobs where the Stormtroopers can go. They'll start a revolution. They need a good speech, a little surprise, then they choose what they want to do. Something simple and fast. You want to go?"
"We don't even have jobs yet," Poe complains.
"Yeah, but then later? Will you?" she insists.
"Do you really think they would listen to me? They'd shoot me instead. And Finn is an Ex-Stormtrooper, isn't better that it's him?"
"Too dangerous for him, they know him. And we have to try," Rose remarks.
"It's stupid, I'm coming like: 'Hi, we got jobs for you, take it or die. Thanks, bye.' We can't do that just like this," he makes fun, using a high-pitched voice.
She sighs: "We'll plan that later. Just tell me if you go."
"Fine," Poe decides unwillingly.
"And something else," she whispers, leaning her head closer to him. Poe looks up to her again, her cheeks blushing. "Finn is really busy, but I really want to spend time with him. I don't know how to ask. Can you help me?"
He smiles widely. "Ask him to spend an evening with him after work, if you could hangout together or something. He'll probably say yes, he likes you, Rose."
"But Rey," she adds silently.
"No, no, they are friends, I'm convinced they are. She has her mind elsewhere, he proved that he loves you."
She thinks for a moment. "Okay, I'll ask him."

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