17 chaos

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17 chaos

Finn stands with the thousands of Stormtroopers, waiting for Poe. The most important people are talking together. Then the silence falls. The one with the most medals of honour on his chest starts taking. His chest up and proud, he uses his strong voice.
"I know you are all disappointed today that we didn't attack back. But that is only to be even readier for the hugest attack in the decade! One great man was more intelligent, a step forward, telling us that we should hide to be able to build something even stronger with more power and more weapons." The crowd cheers. "The Empire will always live and DOWN WITH THE RESISTANCE!" Everyone screams in the big room, except Finn, the other generals and the leader himself. He's not the only one who is worried of how they'll get out of this place. There is still a ship outside.
A really loud clearing of the throat sounds. "Hello?" That's Poe's voice. All the screaming stops, the silence falls back. The crowd expects that one commander speaks, but then: "Well I'm sorry to destroy everything, but you are all captured and trapped here in the hands of the Resistance. You will not be able to come out. You will have to cooperate and get a new life. If you do not cooperate, you will perish here. The doors are too strong to be destroyed, you will have to die out of hunger soon or later. There is no escape." Now there is a huge long silence. People stop screaming, talking, breathing. What just happened? And then noise, loud and nervous. They start walking around, scared, some yell and others stand in silence, too shocked to perceive anything outside of their mind. The generals stop moving, their whole body frozen, only their eyes betray themselves. Scare, shock, hate, sadness, disappointment, every kind of emotion. It's just chaos everywhere. Except in the control room. Poe puts his boots on the table.
"I should have taken my real clothes..."

"We can't let them catfish us like that," one commander says in the round.
Finn steps closer to hear what they are saying.
"I think we should give up, we could still get in contact afterwards and start again. What can we do anyway?"
"Bomb the exit with all our powerful weapons," another answers.
"It's not going to break, it's made of the most persistent and solid metal, that wont help," a woman intervenes.
"What if we bomb the door to the control room. The Resistance is there and it's the place where we can open the main door."
These words come from Finn, but they only see one of a million stormtroopers. They all turn around all look at the man in uniform.
"Who are you?" one of the closest to the leader asks.
"Just a radon stormtrooper, sir," Finn says while he remembers the name these people would expect.
"He's right." The whole attention is drawn to another man in a grey uniform. That is when the whole discussion starts with everyone interrupting and trying to gain the attention. Finn hopes he has convinced them, quite certain they will actually do it, because it's an advantage for them. They just don't know why the imposter said it. He goes to other lonely Stormtroopers that stand in one corner of the gigantic hall. After few hours of waiting, the leader is ready to give their decision.
"We have decided not to give up," his strong voice resonates in the whole base. "We will ask you to go to the door of the control room. There you will first use your blasters and shoot at it. We will see when we will have to use stronger weapons. Please start a queue and shoot for ten minutes and the next stormtroopers will take over."
Lucky us, Finn thinks and mixes in the row that the soldiers have been creating. It takes a few hours for him to arrive there. No commander was watching, all busy with discussions with the leader. One spot has been circled with a pen on the door. Despite the hours Finn had waited, no damage came to the door. A little hole was maybe created with a thousand shots. Finn plays clumsy and shoots where he shouldn't. Ten minutes later, the shift changes. He's allowed to go eat until everyone shot once. Finn hears that stronger weapons might be investigated, the door will have to persistent for some more time, they will need it.

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