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Hey guys so you may have noticed that I deleted a part well the reason why is because I kept getting hate and I'm trying to not be homophobic but I literally have no choice I know I just turned 18 and I can make any choice I want but I still live under my parents roof so I have to pretty much listen to what they say so please keep those comments to yourself because it only makes me feel bad so if there a little confusion for the new readers reading this then that's your reason

I'm trying not to be rude it just makes me feel bad because I worked my butt off to make these stories for you and then some people leave and it sometimes makes me want to delete the whole story because of that reason so please think before you say something because I'm a very emotional and sensitive person and I take criticism the wrong way and I usually don't get involved with politics because they are literally a waste of time

But the point is I come from a strict family and they have these standards that a man and a women should be together and I'm just trying to not disappoint them by believing in it because I'm literally a disgrace to my family already but I'll stop ranting because you probably don't care

But idk I feel like I should end this story and I probably will but who knows

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