{17} Am I Pregnant?!

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Authors note before we start: before we start I would like to say that I got this one shot idea off of this funny video "crack video" of Anne on YouTube (but warning there may be some spoilers so if there is please don't get mad and avoid the video and read the one shot carefully if you don't want to get spoiled 😂😂😂😂

Story summary: it is after the part where Anne and the school kids were learning about the barn dance and Anne freaks out about being pregnant and runs to Gilbert to see if it's true.

Present day Au/Funny Au


Ever since Anne and her friends have learned the barn dance there has been a question that has always triggered Anne, and that question was is she pregnant? Of course what Miss Stacy said was true because women cannot actually get Pregnant while touching a boy but Anne wasn't taking chances,

Anne walked downstairs of green gables with her hand on her stomach and stopped midway

"Marilla! What if I'm pregnant?" Asked Anne at this moment marilla dropped everything that was in her hand and stormed up to anne

"What kind of foolishness got you thinking about this?" Asked marilla

"Well Ruby's mother said that if you go near a boy then you'll become pregnant, but if you touch a boy then you are pregnant, me and Gilbert touched hands yesterday when we were practicing the barn dance for the carnival," said Anne

"Well Ruby's mother is wrong now I don't know how to explain this but-"

"Maybe I can ask Gilbert if it's true, I'll be back soon marilla," said Anne as she stormed out on his way to Gilbert house


When Anne arrived she knocked on the door and waited for an answer about a few minutes later bash came to the door with Delphine in his arms

"Why hello Anne what brings you by?" Asked bash

"No time to talk bash is Gilbert home?" Asked Anne

"Why yes he in the vegetable garden out back," said bash with a smile Anne nodded and was on her way to the vegetables field, when she got there she yelled Gilbert's name

"Hey Anne what brings you by?" Asked Gilbert

"I need to ask you something," said Anne Gilbert set down his rake and walked near Anne

"What do you need to ask me?" Asked Gilbert

Anne sighed and let it out bluntly

"I need to know if you can get pregnant by touching a boy?" Asked Anne, Gilbert laughed loud and clear at this that it made him tear up

"What in the world gave you that idea?" Asked Gilbert

"Well ruby told me," said Anne

"Well your not pregnant because you can't get pregnant by a boy touching you," said Gilbert

Anne blushed and walked away embarrassed now that she knows for sure she's not pregnant she didn't have to worry about it


Hope that was good and if it was vote and I'll write later bye!


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