{45} Me and My broken heart

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Story summary: Anne has found out that Roy has cheated on her and she goes to Gilbert for comfort

This is based on the song me and my broken heart by Rixton

Modern day Au/Fluff


Anne has been in a relationship with Roy Gardner for 2 years and she couldn't be happier. Or she thought

"Anne it's not what it looks like!" Said Roy

Anne has caught Roy for cheating on her with a girl that was more prettier than her

"Oh yea than why did you do it?!" Asked Anne as she was on the verge of tears while yelling

"Because your boring, all you do is hang out with Gilbert you never have time for me! That's why I did it!" Said Roy

Anne scoffed

"You know maybe Gilbert was right, I should have never dated you you.. two timing pig," said Anne as she left the apartment that her and Roy were going to share until now

As she left she went to Gilbert's house, and when she arrived she knocked on his door and within seconds Gilbert answered

"Anne what are you doing here?" Asked Gilbert as he looked at Anne who had mascara running down her face and underneath her eyes

"What's wrong?" Asked Gilbert, after Gilbert said that Anne hugged Gilbert while placing her head on his chest

"Roy he cheated on me with some blonde bimbo," said Anne

After Gilbert heard that he hugged Anne back in a protective manner bringing her inside


"I should have listened to you, I'm sorry I didn't," said Anne

"It's fine, I can't believe he did a girl like that especially you, you deserve better," said Gilbert as he handed Anne a mug of hot chocolate while his jaw clenched

"Thanks," said Anne

"You know your beautiful right? Roy doesn't deserve you," said Gilbert as he brushed Anne's cheek with his thumb

Within seconds the two lean in until Anne pulls away

"I'm sorry Gilbert, but I'm not ready for another relationship and I feel like Im moving on to fast," said Anne as she stormed out leaving Gilbert dumbfounded


I feel like I should do a part 2 let me know below if you think I should do a part 2 😂


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