{40} Witch Doctor (Requested)

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Requested: so the story summary will be down there

Requested: so the story summary will be down there

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Present day Au


It was a normal day in Avonlea and Anne thought it was a great idea to go outside and explore like she normally do. But after a few minutes into it she was hopping on rock by rock in the stream of water she fell into the water while there laid a little cut on her covered ankle, Anne screamed out in pain at her ankle, after a few minutes of yelling for help someone came. It was Diana Barry

"Oh no Anne are you ok?" Asked Diana, Anne stares at Diana with her face all red and eyes teary so Anne shook her head

"No I'm not ok, I cut my ankle and yet I think my ankle might be broken on top of that and now I can't move," said Anne

Diana ran over to Anne and helped her up while she slung Anne's arm on her shoulder with Diana's arm on Anne's waist supporting her balance

"We need to get you to a doctor... good thing I know one," said Diana as she smirked at Anne gesturing to Gilbert

Anne gave Her head a good shook

"No if you do ruby will kill me," said Anne Diana rolled her eyes

"Who cares if she has dibs you like him and he likes you I don't see a problem,"

"What about Josie she'll definitely kill me," said Anne

"Stop thinking about others and think about you your hurt besides Gilbert's the closest doctor there is," said Diana

Anne groaned

"Fine but we are not mentioning nothing to ruby nor Josie if they question things," said Anne

Diana smiles and helped a limping Anne to Gilbert and bash's house


When they arrived Diana knocked on the door after a while bash answered the door

"Woah what happened here?" Asked bash

"Anne's hurt is Gilbert here?" Asked Diana as she ran into the house without an invitation

"Ok I'll be back," said bash as she went upstairs to fetch Gilbert after a while gilbert ran down the stairs to anne who was laying down on the couch

"Ok Anne on the scale of 1-10 how does it hurt?" Asked Gilbert

"Ugh just fix it," said Anne "and 8 if you were wondering," said Anne

Gilbert smiled and examined Anne's foot

"Well?" Asked Diana

"It seems to be broken but there is a tiny cut on her ankle so Diana would you fetch me the ice?" Asked gilbert

"Yes I can," said Diana as she walked to the kitchen to find the ice meanwhile the two were left alone

"So, how exactly did you... per say... do this?" Asked Gilbert

"I was exploring the great outdoors," said Anne

"Well that explains the broken ankle anyway Anne I need to tell you something," said Gilbert

"What is it?" Asked Anne

Gilbert stood up and sat next to the Anne on the couch and held her hands

"Anne I'm in love with you and I m hoping that your in love with me," said Gilbert

Anne sighed

"Gil I like you to.. but I can't do this to ruby she likes you," said Anne

"Who cares about ruby, I love you, not ruby," said Gilbert

"You really mean that?" Asked Anne

Gilbert nodded his head

"Well than.. I like you to," said Anne

"So will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Gilbert

Anne gave Gilbert a kiss on the cheek

"Yes Gilbert Blythe.. I will be your girlfriend," said Anne

Gilbert smiled and grabbed Anne's face and kissed her deeply at this point Anne's ankle wasn't hurting her at the moment and Diana was in a happy mood


Hope this was a good request I have a few other ones I'm going to post so yea be on the look out


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