{22} Drunken Love {Requested}

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Story summery ⬇️

This was requested a long time ago that I just now realized that I forgot to make 😂😂

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This was requested a long time ago that I just now realized that I forgot to make 😂😂

~Presant Day Au~


It was that time of the month for Anne and she wasn't very happy, on the 2nd day of that time marilla told her she could have Diana over for tea, as it was the proper thing 'adults' did

"And Since today is a special day I am allowing you to have raspberry cordial it is located in the pantry on the top shelf," said marilla Anne smiled and nodded her head excitedly

"Oh thank you marilla!" Exclaim Anne as she went to give marilla a hug but she flinched a little but hugged back

"Now now I must be off to Mrs Lynde," said marilla as she left leaving Anne to set the table for her tea party

After about an hour of setting things up Diana arrived at green gables, As Diana arrived Anne was excited that she ran to the door but stopped herself when she first got to the door

"Why welcome to my tea party, May I take your coat?" Asked Anne Diana nodded her head

"Certainly," said Diana then after they said that they bursted our laughing and ran to where the tea party was being hosted at

"Wow Anne this is quite pretty," said Diana As she sat down Anne smiled

"Yea I know I wanted it to be special since it's my first tea party and all, oh and speaking of tea parties, marilla is letting us use raspberry Cordial," said Anne Diana smiles

Anne went to the pantry to get the raspberry cordial but instead she picks up something else


Meanwhile Gilbert was on his way to Anne's because they were going to work on homework together, when he arrives he sees something

"Anne Diana what's going on here?" Asked Gilbert after Gilbert said that Eliza Barry came in

"What happened here?" Asked Mrs Barry

"It seems to me that there drunk," said Gilbert At this Mrs barry gasps

"Diana Barry you are to not hang out with Anne anymore now we're going home," said Mrs Barry as she grabbed Diana hand meanwhile Gilbert helped Anne up

"Why Mr Blythe why are you here?" Asked Anne as she clung herself into Gilbert, at this Gilbert was surprised

"I thought we were studying," said Gilbert Anne looks confused at Gilbert

"Oh no silly," said Anne "wow you have great hair," said Anne as she ran her fingers into Gilbert's hair, at this Gilbert was surprised

"Did I mention that I like you?" Asked Anne at this Gilbert smiled

"Really?" Asked Gilbert Anne nodded

"Well than I like you back," said Gilbert


Sorry if this was kinda weird to write to me it was to but I did it anyway more is coming soon ok bye


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