{28} Letters to them (Prt 2)

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Story summary: Conclusion to the 3 part Anne and Gilbert one shot of letters to them, it where Anne is getting married to Roy and Gilbert stops the wedding

Present day Au


It was the day of Anne and Roy's wedding and Anne was having second thoughts, she was thinking if she likes Gilbert and it this was a good idea. Anne didn't understand why she said yes to Roy Gardner when he proposed, I guess it was because she wanted to be loved by someone, but what Anne didn't know is that Gilbert is the one she wanted to marry.

Anne was in the parlor with the girls looking at her self in the mirror, She has chosen Josie, Jane, Tillie, ruby as her bridesmaids and Diana as her maid of honor. Anne thought it was the right thing to do so she went with it anyway


Meanwhile today was also Gilbert's wedding, Anne would've attended his wedding but Gilbert's wedding was at the same time as hers but 30 minutes Into Winifred and Gilbert's wedding

Gilbert was standing at the alter with Charlie his best best man awaiting for Winifred. When Winifred arrived Gilbert started second guessing himself.

Did he want to go through this? Does he love winifred? It was all in his head.

As the wedding was about to start Gilbert was thinking about Anne, what was anne wedding about, what was she going to say to Roy, I do or I don't. Gilbert has had enough of this thinking so he blurted out loud

"I think I'm in love with Anne Shirley Cuthbert!" Said Gilbert

Everyone in the Church gasps, winifred was standing at the altercrying so Gilbert walked over to her

"Why didn't you tell me?" Asked winifred as she had tears running down her face messing up her makeup, Gilbert sighed

"I know this is a bad time but I can't help it anymore, I want you to find someone who loves you and someone who will be willing to spend the rest of there life with, but it just not with me," said Gilbert than he ran off leaving winifred at the alter


Meanwhile Anne was getting ready to walk down the aisle at her and Roy's wedding, Anne was nervous but half of her was telling her to not go through this. While the other half was telling her to do it because of Gilbert.

"Now we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Roy Anthony Gardner, and Anne Shirley Cuthbert, who ever objects to this marriage please speak now or forever hold your peace,"

"I object!!"

Everyone in the room gasps, even Anne



Sorry to leave it at a cliffhanger but I am doing a part 3 which will be out soon and sorry if this didn't come out on the exact plan date that I had planned which was Thursday and Friday, it just I've been busy with trying to get things done as new classes start On Wednesday, so yea anyway hope you liked it ok bye


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