{20} Sickly ill (requested)

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This is a request one shot story summary is down there⬇️

This is a request one shot story summary is down there⬇️

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Present day Au


It was a beautiful spring day in Avonlea and Anne noticed that Gilbert wasn't in school. So after school was over Anne decided to head over to his house to check on him, and when she got there bash answered the door with Delphine

"Hey is Gilbert here?" Asked Anne as she smiled "I have his homework and I wanted to see if he's well,"

"He upstairs in his room, you can go up there," said bash Anne smiled and walked in as she walked into the door she walked upstairs to Gilbert's room to knock

Knock knock

"Who is it?" Asked Gilbert Anne smiled

"It's Anne! May I come in?" Asked Anne Gilbert looked at Anne and motioned her to come in, so Anne walked in

"I've bought you your homework how are you feelings you weren't in school today and Miss Stacy was awful worried about you," said Anne Gilbert laughed

"Yea I caught a bug from moody when he was sick a few days ago," said Gilbert as he laughed

Anne laughed along until bash came in

"Hey guys sorry if I'm interrupting something but I have to go to Charlottetown to take Delphine to her check up," said bash "Gilbert are you going to be fine by yourself?"

"Yea I'll be fine," said Gilbert Anne had an idea

"What if I were to take care of you? I mean I can make some of marilla famous chicken noodle soup that always makes me feel better," suggested Anne

Gilbert smiled

"That's fine with me if it's fine with Sebastian," said Gilbert, bash smiled and nodded

"That's fine with me as long as there not hanky panky," said Sebastian Gilbert threw a pillow at bash while he left laughing


After a while anne has made some chicken noodle soup for Gilbert, when she got done she walked upstairs to Gilbert's room, to see him working on homework that Miss Stacy has assigned

"Here's your soup," said Anne as she set it down in his lap Gilbert looked up "is there anything else you need?" Asked Anne

"Maybe a kiss," said Gilbert Anne giggles

"But your sick," laughed Anne Gilbert smiled

"So?" Asked Gilbert as he grabbed Anne's hand, Anne rolled her eyes

"Just eat your soup perv if you need me I'll be downstairs," said Anne as she walked away


After Gilbert has finished his soup Anne was rummaging through the medicine cabinet for something that Gilbert can take while he was sick, after she found something she walked back to his room

"Hey Gilbert I found this in the medicine cabinet," said Anne as she held up some aspirin

"Thanks, anyway anne there's something I need to tell you," said Gilbert Anne day on the edge of Gilbert's bed

"Ok shoot," said Anne, Gilbert took a deep breath and let it out bluntly

"I like you," said gilbert "oh and thanks for taking care of me," after Gilbert has said that anne day there with a smile on her face

"Gilbert I like you to," said Anne Gilbert grabbed Anne's hand and stroked the back of it with his thumb

"So will you be my girlfriend?" Asked Gilbert as he looked up at Anne, Anne grinned from ear to ear while she nodded

"Yes Gilbert I'll be your girlfriend," said Anne Gilbert went to hug her until Anne stopped him "excuse me sir your going back in that bed hug me when you're not sick," laughed Anne Gilbert laughed as well


Hope this was good I tried to add some fluff to it and if you haven't yet check out my new multifandom gif book series I am taking request so if you want a imagine then go see the book for more info, and yes I do anne with an e 😂😂


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