{31} Is This... Mine?

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Story summary: Anne finds out something unexpected and she tells Gilbert and he and Anne breaks up

Modern Au/Sad Au/Happy Au


Anne was in the bathroom at green gables with a pregnancy test in her hand, for the past few days Anne has been throwing up and feeling icky, Marilla and Matthew we're gone for a few days in Charlottetown to take care of some business, leaving Anne in charge of green gables. That didn't go as plan as Anne has invited Gilbert over to study for a test.

Anne waited patently for the test results while waiting on diana, when Diana arrived the 3 minutes of the test are up, so Anne walks into the bathroom and picks up the test and walked to Diana

"Oh diana whatever this thing says is going to change my whole future," said Anne

"Anne it's alright I'll be here for you even if Gilbert won't be," said Diana

Anne smiled and took a deep breath and turned over the test.

It was positive

"Anne congratulations," said Diana as she gave her friend a hug Anne hugs her back

"This is it I'm going to be a mother, how am I going to tell Gilbert and Marilla and Matthew?" Asked Anne "I'll probably be the talk of the town," said Anne

"Anne I'm sure you won't be the talk of the town trust me, besides if you do get kicked out than I'll see if I can contact aunt Jo if you can stay with her," said Diana "now you need to tell Gilbert about this," said Diana as she left

Anne stood there for a second trying to figure out a way to tell Gilbert the big news, after a while she threw the test in the trash and walked to Gilbert's house


As Anne arrived at Gilbert's house she knocks on the door, waiting patiently for someone to answer, a few minutes later bash opened the door

"Hey Anne how may I assist you?" Asked bash

Anne smiled

"Yes Um is Gilbert here... I need to tell him something that's extremely important," said Anne

Bash looked at Anne and smiled

"Sure!" Said bash but Anne stopped him

"And can you tell him to meet me outside?" Asked Anne

Bash nodded

"Sure," smiled bash as he walked inside to get Gilbert , after a second he got Gilbert as he went outside to where Anne was

"Hey bash told me you wanted to tell me something, is something wrong?" Asked Gilbert in a time of worry

Anne took a deep breath and said it bluntly


"Anne just tell me your worrying me,"

"Gilbert... I'm pregnant....." said Anne "and your the father,"

After Anne has said that Gilbert didn't respond instead he responded with widen eyes

"Gilbert please say something,"

"Anne I love you... but I can't do this," said Gilbert as he walked back Inside leaving Anne crying on the staircase of the porch


9 months later

9 months has passed and Anne has given birth to a beautiful baby girl, she named it Cordelia Ann, In the delivery room was marilla and Diana.

Marilla and Matthew has supported Anne as they were disappointed at first but they had a stern talk with her and Anne fully understands that raising a child is a 18 year commitment

Everything was perfect until Gilbert walked into the room

When Gilbert walked into the room he smiled and Marilla and Diana and looked Anne and his daughter that laid in Anne's arms. Gilbert walked towards Anne and the baby and looked down at his daughter that was in front of him

"Is this mine?" Asked Gilbert, Anne nodded smiling with tears of joy in her eyes

"Yes Gilbert, meet your daughter, Cordelia Ann," said Anne as she handed Gilbert the fragile baby,

Gilbert held Cordelia like a porcelain doll that could break at any second

"Listen anne I'm sorry for everything that I did, I saved up the money and bought us an apartment that would be great for the three of us," said Gilbert

Anne sighed

"I really want to be there for you with the baby, I know what I did was a mistake, but I had to think about all this, will you please forgive me?" Asked Gilbert

Anne thought about it for a second and smiled

"Sure why not," said Anne

After Anne said that Gilbert smiled and kissed Anne and then the top of Cordelia's head making the baby squirm as she smiled Making Gilbert smile


Sorry if this is bad I had it already published and Wattpad has decided to delete it and I tried to get it close to what I had but I hope you all enjoyed it anyway, and I'm doing a get to know me tag so if you have any questions put them down below and I'll also do a face revel, ok bye


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