{14} In A Different World

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Story summary: Anne and Gilbert accidentally get stuck in the 1990's and are accompanied by a few high school students

There might be some Anne and Gilbert moments but i kinda wanted to do something like this 😂😂

This is a anne with an e and saved by the bell cross over if you haven't checked out saved by the bell than an episode will be listed up in the media box as it is an episode that will be like this chapter but not a like 😂😂

There will be others such as Josie Pye, Ruby Gillis, and Diana Barry

⚠️Some stuff may be from season 3 so read at your own risk⚠️

It was a normal day in Avonlea as Miss Stacy has called everyone that was in the newspaper club called the Avonlea cassette over to stay after school to show them a new machine that she made

"What is this Miss Stacy?" Asked Gilbert

"This my friends is a time machine,"

"What does it do?" Asked Anne as she smiled Anne has always wanted to know how a time machine worked

"It takes us to the future or to the past," said Miss Stacy

"Cool when can we use it?" Asked Diana

"This is non sense mother says that there no such thing as time machines," said Josie as she crossed her arms

"How do you know Josie Pye?" Asked Anne

"Because I've never seen one this is pathetic I'm going home," said Josie as she was walking towards the door but as she was walking she stepped on something that makes Miss Stacy yell something

"Josie.... I would watch your step," said Miss Stacy

"What going to happen am I going to go somewhere?" Asked Josie when all the sudden she stepped on a button that transported her to the 1990's

"Where did she go?" Asked Tillie

"Uh... guys... we have a slight problem," said Gilbert

"What wrong gil?" Asked Anne As she ran over to Gilbert but as she went over there her eyes dilated 3x bigger

"She been teleported to the 1990's," said Anne

"Someone has to go and help her," said ruby

"I'll go," said Anne

"I'm coming with you," said Gilbert

As Gilbert said that Anne eyes also dilated

"Gilbert you don't have to I'm just going straight to the 1990's and grab Josie and come back," said Anne

"Yea but I'm not going to risk losing you," said Gilbert

Anne smiled

"Fine, Miss Stacy turn on the television and get the antenna working we'll be back as soon as possible," said Anne

"Wait for us!" Said Diana and ruby

"Guys there really no sense for you two to come with us," said Anne

"We want to see what the future looks like," said Diana

"Maybe I might find a new crush.... how sense Gilbert has taken a notice in you anne," said ruby

"What happened to moody?" Asked Anne confused

"Who needs him," said ruby

"Ok but stay close," said Anne

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