{32} To Late

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Story summary: Anne has been hiding something from Gilbert that she is sick and after Gilbert finds a note he realizes that he to late to say that he loves Anne

Presant day Au/Sad Au


Gilbert and Anne have been friends for a while, but little did Anne know that Gilbert has been hiding something from Anne, same with Anne,

Anne and Marilla have recently found out that Anne has sepsis,

"Marilla please tell me I'm going to be fine," said Anne, marilla sighed and stayed silent

"I won't make any promises but we are going to do what we can to get you better, now is there anything you want me to say to Gilbert? Your not going to school anytime soon,"

"Marilla I don't want to face Gilbert right now, I may have feelings for him but I don't want to worry him, do you understand?"

Marilla nodded and hugged Anne

For the remainder of Anne's days has been spent saying goodbye to friends,

"I can't believe I'm losing my best friend," said Diana as she hugged Anne as she shedded some tears

"Does Gilbert know?" Asked ruby

"He must be so devastated he did like you after all," said Diana

Anne looked up at Diana and ruby

"Wait... where did you hear that?" Asked Anne

"He told us, after he found out you won't be attending school anymore," said Ruby

"Diana hand me a piece of paper with a pen please," said Anne

Diana and ruby looked at Anne confused but handed her the paper and the felt pen

"What are you going to do?" Asked ruby

"I'm writing a letter to Gilbert," said Anne as she wrote something in the piece of paper

"What for?" Asked Ruby

Diana and Anne looked at ruby like she was crazy

"Because Anne doesn't have much to live," said Diana

"Oh, ok," said Ruby

"Diana will you give this to Gilbert?" Asked anne

Diana nodded her head and took the note

"Of course!" Said Diana

"Come on Ruby," said Diana then they left


Meanwhile Gilbert was starting to worry about Anne that he was on his way over to green gables, on his way over there he bumped into Diana and ruby

"Diana, ruby, what are you doing here? How's Anne?" Asked Gilbert

"Gilbert I don't know how to say this but it's all in the Note that Anne wrote," said Diana as she handed Gilbert the note

Gilbert took the note and read it

Dear Gilbert

By the time your probably reading this I might be dead, a few days ago I found out I had the same symptoms that Mary had, sepsis. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't know how. Half of me couldn't face you after what happened, after Diana and ruby have told me that you liked me possibly even loved me, I had to write. Just know Gilbert Blythe that I in fact like you and I don't want you waiting to get married because of me, marry someone else who will make you happy, have children. And maybe someday we will meet again

From your lovely friend
Anne Shirley Cuthbert

PS tell Miss Stacy that I wish her many good classes in her future and that I will miss her, thank you

After Gilbert has read the note he was sobbing, the girl of his dreams is dying.

"Maybe if you go to her now it may not be to late," said Diana as she laid a comforting hand on Gilbert's arm and walked away with ruby

Gilbert looked at the oath that was in front of him that leased him to green gables and he ran as fast as he could before it was to late.

When Gilbert got there she saw marilla and Matthew crying, with a blanket over Anne's head

"What's going on?" Asked Gilbert as he almost broke down "please tell me she alive?!"

Marilla stood up and looked at Gilbert and gave him a hug

"I know you loved her, but I think it's time to let her go," said marilla

"I'm not letting her go she was the only one I had left!" Said Gilbert


A few days later

A few days has passed and it was the day of Anne's funeral. Diana and her family came, ruby and her family came, along with all there friends a family

Meanwhile Gilbert was standing with Bash and Anne's family crying with a rose in hand

After the funeral was over Gilbert stayed behind. He needed to say something to anne

"Anne, I'm sorry if I made you mad by calling you carrots, but I'm actually kinda glad I called you carrots because I didn't we probably wouldn't be good friends like we are now. It's going to be hard trying to find someone as great as you, but if I do find somebody I will always have you in my heart, good night anne," said Gilbert as he dropped the rose and walked forward back to green gables for a gathering


Hopefully this was good and if you want requests are still open because I am running low on ideas, and I'll write soon ok bye!


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