{12} The One that got away

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Story summary: Gilbert has recently died and he was indeed Anne's first love so she looks back at the moments that they had in there teenage years as they were engaged at one point

Sad/Engaged Au

This is inspired by Katy Perry's song the one that got away

It was a sad day in Avonlea as it was the day that Gilbert Blythe has gone deceased, as everyone in Avonlea including Anne his fiancé and girlfriend had gathered around for the funeral service

After the funeral everyone gathered at Gilbert house to talk about the good times that they had with Gilbert but Anne stayed a bit back at the graveyard instead of walking back with everyone else

As Anne walked back to her shared house with Gilbert she looked at it and sighed...

When she walked in diana and ruby along with Jane, Tillie and Josie walked to anne to give her a tight hug

"If you need a place to stay for a while my parents don't mind," said Diana

"Same here," said ruby

Anne smiled

"Thanks guys... but I think I need to get through this on my own," said Anne

"We're all here for you," said Tillie

"We all know how much Gilbert meant to you,"

"Yea," said Anne as she looked down at the ring that laid on her ring finger in her right hand while she was fiddling with it


Anne and Gilbert were on there 5 year anniversary dinner, Gilbert had something planned for Anne that night as he was going to propose, so he walked her to the beach setting that was located not far from Avonlea.

When they arrived Gilbert grabbed both of Anne's hand

"Anne you know I love you right?"

Anne blushes

"Of course I know," said Anne

"Well good because...."

Gilbert gets on his knees making Anne gasps

"Will you make me the happiest man in Avonlea... and marry me?"

"Yes I would love to marry you," said Anne

Then they kissed


"I'm going upstairs if you guys don't mind," said Anne

"Of course your grieving... take your time," said Diana

Anne smiles and hugs Diana

"Thank you for being there for me," said Anne

Then she left to go upstairs until marilla stopped her

"Anne dear are you alright?" Asked marilla concerned

"Not really but.... I have to go through this," said Anne

"There's always a place for you at green gables if you need anywhere to stay," said marilla as she hugged Anne

"Thanks marilla but I have to go through this on my own," said Anne as she went upstairs

As anne arrived upstairs she walked into the room that her a Gilbert shared looking around until she spotted a picture frame that they took on there first date when they met in college


"Gilbert Blythe! Put me down!" Said young Anne as she was being lifted by Gilbert as he was getting ready to throw her in the water

Gilbert didn't listen and did it anyway

"Your going to pay do that!" Said Anne

"Oh yeah how much?" Asked Gilbert

Anne rolled her eyes until she looked at the time

"We need to get back to school before curfew," said Anne

"Alright" said Gilbert as he helped Anne up than they walked away


Anne smiled at that memory as she placed the photo frame down and walked to her bed as she flopped on her back

This was going to be a long life for Anne


Hope this was good I have another one shot coming soon so yea anyway bye!


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