{46} Stuck with you (requested)

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Presant day Au


It has been a few days since marilla and Matthew died of old age, this scared Anne because she was afraid that she would be sent back to that orphanage in Nova Scotia.

The town of Avonlea were all gathered around the grave sight and around Anne who was trying her hardest not to cry. Next to her stood her boyfriend Gilbert Blythe who was holding Anne while also trying not to cry

After the funeral service everyone gathered at green gables, Anne who was sitting next to Gilbert was fiddling with her fingers, Gilbert noticed this.

"Anne what's wrong?" Asked gilbert, Anne looked up at Gilbert

"What if they decide that I have to to go back to the orphanage? I can't stand the sight or smell of that orphanage, it still haunts me to this day,"

"Well what if you and me get a house and we can love together, that way you won't have to return to the orphanage," said Gilbert

Anne laughed

"Gilbert, we're 16 were to young," said Anne

"Well than you can come live with me and bash and Mary and help Mary with Delphine,"

"Yea but I don't want to intrude," said Anne

As Anne said that Mary along with bash cane over with Delphine on Mary's hips

"It's not a problem Anne you are already like a daughter and sister to me," said Mary as she hugged Anne from the side "besides I would love some help with Delphine," said Mary

Delphine smiles and coos

"Alright I'll go live with ya," said Anne

Bash Mary and Gilbert hug Anne and they lived happily ever after


Sorry it's short I've just had some major problems and boy trouble so please bare with me and I'll have another one shot up soon


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