{36} My Girl (Prt 2)

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Story summary: Contiuation of the first part of the one shot called my girl

Present day Au/ Sad Au

Based on the movie my girl on Netflix


It has been a few days since Gilbert has passed away and the funeral was being held at the cuthbert parlor, everyone was arriving at the funeral while Anne was in her room,

After she has heard about the devastating news about the death of her best friend and secret crush she hasn't came  out of her room or spoken to anyone.

Marilla came up and knocked on the door

"Anne honey, can I come in?" Asked marilla, After marilla has said that Anne muffled a leave me alone

"Well at least come down for the funeral it would make John Blythe really happy," said Marilla

After that there was no response so marilla walked away

During the funeral ceremony Anne has finally came downstairs but listened from the stairs

"Now I'm going to be reading a verse from the Bible and I want you to listen very carefully,"

After the pastor has said that Anne slowly walked downstairs as the sound came muffled around her. As she reached the first steps she walked into the Room where the funeral was being held, after Anne has got there she ran to the casket that held the body of Gilbert and cried even harder

"Want to ride bikes Gilbert?! Please you can't be dead!" Said Anne as she cried even harder, Matthew and Wilma took notice and Matthew ran over to anne trying to calm her down

"Why did he have to leave so soon?!" Said Anne as she was looking at John Blythe who had more tears in his eyes than he already did

"The worse part was I didn't even tell him that he was my best friend," said Anne as she tried to get free from the grasps of Matthews arms and ran out the door ignoring her name being called by Wilma and Marilla

After a while of running Anne noticed Miss Stacys house her teacher from the school year that just ended

"Anne I was on your way to your house right now, I so sorry you must be awfully sore from losing your best friend,"

Anne cried even more and ran to Miss Stacys arms

"Why did he have to go?"

"I don't know sweetheart I don't know but you will always remember him because you have these things called memories and it helps to also think about all the good memories you two had,"

After Miss Stacy has said that Anne has quieted her crying

"Maybe your right but it just hurts so much when you haven't told him how much he means to you or me,"

"I know anne but it will be better soon," said Miss Stacy as she gave Anne one last hug "now how would you like to walk with me to your house it might make you feel better," said Miss Stacy as she held her hand out for Anne to take after a few seconds Anne smiled and took her hand and they walked back to anne house

•~•~•~•~•A few Months Later•~•~•~•~•~•~•

A few months has passed and Anne was feeling better a little sore but feeling better, Matthew, marilla and Anne were all sitting in a small cafe when John Blythe has showed up

"Hey John how have you been holding up?" Asked Marilla

"Good how Anne handling all this?"

"She still having a hard time but she knows that he in a better place,"

"Well that's good hey where is anne I have something to give her?" Asked John

"Hi Mr Blythe," said Anne

"Hey Anne how you doing?"

"Good what are you doing here?"

"I found this when they found Gilbert," said John as he held out a mood ring

"My mood ring!" Said Anne as she took it out of his hands

"I figured you would want it in memory of him," said John "well I better go,"

"Wait Mr Blythe," said Anne, John turned around "don't worry about a thing my mom will keep an eye on him," said Anne with a smile


Sorry if it's awful but I wanted to do something like this and if you have any requests please send them in as requests are open again And if I made you cry than I'm sorry but yea

Ok bye


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