{2} Secret Admirer

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Reminder!: This takes place in modern day where there all in high school,

Story summary: Gilbert has liked Anne for a while now but haven't really got the guts to tell her until he writes to Anne as a "secret admirer"


Gilbert Blythe has liked Anne for a long time now but really haven't found a way to talk to her.

So Gilbert decided it would be the easiest way to be a secret admirer.

Gilbert of course haven't really written someone a secret admirer but it was worth a try he thought. So he grabbed some paper and a pencil and started writing.

Dearest Anne:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your hair is like carrots
And so are you

Sincerely: your secret admirer

(A/n: sorry if it was cheesy I haven't written a secret admirer before 😂)


Gilbert took one last look at the letter and smiled.

The next day has passed and Gilbert has gotten to school a little earlier then usual so he could put the note in Anne's locker. After Gilbert did that the bell rang so he walked away as quick as he could so anne doesn't see him.

Meanwhile Anne was walking down the hall with ruby and Diana as they come to a stop at there lockers which was next to each other. As Anne opened her locker she felt something fall out so she picked it up and read it.

On the other hand Diana and ruby were eager to see what the note were to have Said.

"What does it say Anne?" Smiled Diana

"Roses are red, violets are blue. Your hair is like carrots and so are you?" Said Anne confused

"That doesn't make sense," Said ruby

"Does it say who it's from?" asked Diana

"No it just says sincerely your secret admirer," Said Anne looking at the note then at the back of it.

"Who in this school would call you carrots?" Asked ruby

"Unless, Gilbert Blythe is Anne's secret admirer," Said Diana looking at ruby

"That's ridiculous!" Shouted Ruby

"Just think who on Anne first day here would call Anne carrots?" Asked diana

"Gilbert Blythe," Said Anne

"All I'm saying that it's ridiculous, besides Anne I thought you knew I had dibs," Said ruby

"Well I think it's sweet and adorable Anne," Said Diana

Anne Smiled

"Well I'm off to find Gilbert see ya later."

"Bye!" Said ruby and Diana as Anne waved and left down the hall


It was lunch time and Anne still didn't have luck finding Gilbert, so she expected to find him during her lunch period. As she walking to find a seat she spotted Diana and ruby sitting at a table along with Josie Pye, Tillie Boulter, And Jane Andrews. So anne started walking towards them when she spotted Gilbert at a table talking and laughing with his group of friends, so anne walked over to his table instead.

"Hey Gil can I talk to you for a second?" Asked anne

Gilbert looked up and smiled at the red head

"Sure," Said Gilbert as he stood up from his current spot to move to a empty table that was 3 tables down from Gilbert's original table

"So what do you want to talk about?" Asked Gilbert

"Did you by chance I don't know left a note in my locker this morning?" Asked anne

At that moment Gilbert blushed

"Maybe," Smiled Gilbert

"Do you like me?" Asked Anne

(A/n: I know it's fast but this actually happened when I was in 5th grade😂)

"I don't know maybe.... do you like me?" Asked Gilbert smiling

"I like you very much Gilbert Blythe," laughed Anne

Gilbert laughed to

Let's just say from that day on they've have been going strong till they grew old

Hope it wasn't to bad! I actually don't have any ideas at the moment, but ideas are always open so don't be afraid to leave some one shot ideas! but it'll take a while to get them done how since I have a bunny to take care of and let's just say she can be a handful every once in a while 😂😂

Well till next time my little sunflowers (sorry a name I made for my readers I may change it in the future😂)


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