{42} Never Stopped Loving You

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Story Summary: Anne and Gilbert Reunite after two years of splitting up, and Gilbert is getting married but reveals his feelings for Anne at the wedding

Story Summary: Anne and Gilbert Reunite after two years of splitting up, and Gilbert is getting married but reveals his feelings for Anne at the wedding

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Modern day Au / Fluff


Anne and her daughter Emilia we're getting ready for the wedding of Gilbert Blythe and his fiancé Maddie. Anne was upset but she knew that Gilbert was happy with his life.

Emilia is the daughter of Anne and Gilbert, Anne got pregnant with Emilia when she turned 21 after two years of Anne and Gilbert's relationship, Gilbert says that Emilia was a mistake while Anne doesn't. But he still sees his daughter every other week

"Mommy, why is daddy marrying someone new?" Asked Emilia Anne's 5 year old

"I don't know sweetie I guess we weren't good enough," said Anne as she patted her daughters head

"I don't want a new mommy, I want you and daddy to get married and make me lots of siblings," said Emilia

"Emilia I know honey but we need to be strong for daddy, because your getting a new step mom," said Anne as she picked Emilia up to comb her hair

"I can't stand that women," said Emilia

Anne chuckled


It was time for the wedding and Anne and Emilia have arrived they bumped into a few friends and found there seats that said family Emilia was picking the flowers that laid on the seats in the old church

"Emilia stop that!" Said Anne as she placed her hand on Emilia arm pulling her away from the flowers. Emilia huffed and puffed

"This is boring, I don't want daddy getting married to someone else," said Emilia as she crossed her arms

"I know sweetie but this is good for him," said Anne as she snuggled Emilia close wrapping both of her arms around Emilia giving her a hug

Than all the sudden the wedding march started, Gilbert walked into the alter and starred at Anne and smiled briefly and gave a little wave to his daughter which Emilia blushed and hid her face into Anne's shoulder while Anne smiled at her daughters actions

The bride walked down the aisle glaring at Anne and Emilia. Ever since Anne has met maddie the bride of Gilbert she has always despised her even though she did everything to get her to like her.

"Do you Gilbert Blythe take Madison Howard to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Asked the minister that was doing the wedding,

Maddie looked at Gilbert with a smile, until he realized.... he was making a mistake

"Listen I know it's a bad thing to do this at a wedding but... I can't marry you," said Gilbert

The crowd gasps even Anne, Madison scoffed

"What! is this because of her?! She always ruin our relationship!" Said Maddie as she pointed her bouquet of mixed flowers to anne and Emilia

"Listen... don't ever bring my wife and daughter into this, they did nothing to you except try to win your kindness,"

"Why should I be nice to her she's the one who had an affair with Roy Garner! You deserve better,"

"Listen that was a common mistake," said Gilbert "and I have a feeling dating you... was the worse mistake I ever did in my life," said Gilbert

After Gilbert said that Madison was on the verge of crying

"I hate you gilbert Blythe! I hope your happy anne because you got the boy that I love!" Said Maddie as she ran out with her bridesmaids who were glaring at Gilbert and also Anne

"Gilbert did you really mean all that stuff?" Asked Anne as she stood up holding onto Emilia hand

Gilbert stepped forward towards Anne to stroke her cheek

"What do you think? I never stopped loving you," said Gilbert as he brought Anne into a kiss,

"Will you marry me?" Asked Gilbert

"Yes I will," said Anne

Then the pair hugged and ran out of the church leaving Emilia behind

"Aunt Diana.. I think I'm going to have to stay with you and uncle Jerry," said Emilia as she walked towards Diana who was laughing picking Emilia up sitting her on her lap


After a few months Anne was 6 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy that the pair decided to name Carson, Emilia was happy that her parents got together.

The end


Hey hope this was good, I'm finally back with some ideas how exciting is that? Anyway I am taking request how since we are all in quarantine at the moment so yea so request away!😊


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