{35} My Girl

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Story summary: Anne and Gilbert are best friends and Gilbert is highly allergic to everything to where something happens making Anne upset

This may be broken down to 3 or 4 parts but I'm going to try to keep it a minimum of 2 parts

{Based on the movie My Girl}

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Anne Shirley Cuthbert was the daughter of Matthew cuthbert and the daughter of the late Elle Eisenhower, Matthew owns a funeral parlor called the cuthbert parlor, along with marilla Anne's aunt

Anne was hanging out with Gilbert outside of the funeral parlor to where they were playing cards when all the sudden three girls came by

Diana, Jane, and Josie.

"Look it's Anne with her boyfriend Gilbert," said Josie

"Why don't you leave us alone!" Said Anne

"Come on Anne are you sure you want to hang out with this wimp instead with us?" Asked Jane

"No I much rather hang out with Gilbert than with a few mean girls so I think I'll pass," said Anne

The two girls scoffed while the third girl was walking slowly towards them looking at the two pair

"Why did you do that for Anne?" Asked Gilbert

"I don't know I guess I just hate seeing you get bullied," said Anne as she was focusing on the cards "now do you have card 8?"

"Go fish," said Gilbert

Anne draws from the pile

While Anne and Gilbert were playing a nice lady that Matthew has hired as a funeral cosmetologist

Her name was Wilma

"Hey guys what ya playing?" Asked Wilma as she sat down to join the pair

"We're playing go fish, hey aren't you supposed to be working?" Asked Anne

"Yea but I'm taking a break, hey Anne want some chocolate?"

"No thanks," said Anne

Wilma hands the chocolate to Gilbert who Shook his head

"No thanks, I'm allergic," said Gilbert

"To chocolate?" Asked Wilma

Anne laughed

"He's pretty much allergic to anything," said Anne

A few days has passed and Anne walked over to Gilbert house, John Blythe answered the door

"Why hello There Anne, how may I help you?" Asked John, Anne smiled

"Yes can Gilbert come outside?" Asked Anne with a smile

"Why of course, Gilbert Anne's here!" Said John as he opened the door for Anne to come in

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