Battle For Love Part III

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Lydia P.O.V.

All I noticed were his eyes at the moment. They changed. At first there was a bright flash. But then something with Stiles changed.

His eyes were now pure gold, but back to his soft caramel brown eyes. He looked around, trying to find out where he was at.

He then looked at me and the katana in his hands. He dropped it. The sound of metal dropping echoed through the loft.

I saw fear in his eyes, he clearly knew that he was about to kill me right there. But before he could say anything I hugged him. I hugged him, because I was afraid that he might be gone again.

"Lydia, it's okay. I'm here." He rubbed my back, and tears resurfaced.

We broke apart, because there was still a war to fight. The oni was behind us, and I stayed behind Stiles.

"Stiles, we need to run, we can't beat them."

But Stiles didn't listen to me, instead he ran towards them. He picked up the katana, and stabbed the first one in the stomach, causing the oni to disappear. Another one was about to stab him from the back, but he managed to block the attack, and countered the oni, causing the oni to disappear like the one before him.

There was only one left, but Stiles easily killed it.

Surprised, was exactly what I felt. Stiles turned around, and his eyes were gold again, but back to his normal color.

"Nogitsune! Come out wherever you are!!!" And he did, he was right behind Stiles.

Stiles P.O.V.

I felt a presence behind me, and I turned around. It was him. The one that almost caused me to kill Lydia. But the Nogitsune looked like me, it was like fighting with a mirror.

"Oh look, Stiles is back." He said sarcastically."Oh how am I going to defeat you."

I prepared for any attack coming. He was not going to take the best of me, not now, not before, not ever.

So he swung first, but I blocked it. "Oh look, someone's getting better with their sword skills."

I tired to swung, but he managed to block also. "But not good enough."

He kicked me the gut, sending me back. I got up, and brushed the dirt off me. But all of a sudden, Scott was behind him, causing the Nogitsune to be distracted.

It was my chance to attack, and I did. I stabbed him through the heart. But then, I felt a pain within me, and blood come out my mouth. The Nogitsune disappeared, and I dropped the sword.

I heard a scream, but the world went away again.

Third Person P.O.V.

The McCall Pack managed to get Stiles to the hospital in time, but during surgery Stiles got into a coma. Lydia came in everyday, wishing Stiles would wake up, so they could start their lives again, to have kids, and grow old together.

But 2 years past, Lydia never dated anyone else, she was still hoping for Stiles to wake up.

It was one particular visit where something happened. Lydia was reading a book, but there was a voice, a voice that she hadn't heard for two years.


Author's Note

And that is the end to I Didn't Mean It. I'm sorry guys for the crappy ending, I really didn't know how to end it. And thank you to the people that have been reading this series since day one, and I hope you like. I have other series coming up, and I hoped you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. And once again, thank you.

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