In His Mind

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Lydia P.O.V.

Scott, Allison, Derek, and I had just caputred Stiles, and was making our way to my lake house, isolated from other people. When Stiles said that I broke his heart, I was pretty sure, my heart broke into more pieces. My heart is in little shreds, that it's impossible to reconnect again.

This is why Stiles had left, I broke his heart, and he left because of me. It's all because of me. It's all my fault.

I was broken out of my trance when we arrived at the lake house. I looked at the back seat and Stiles was still knocked out, or what we had believed was Stiles. When I had talked to him during the plan, he seemed unlike himself. It was like something was inside him, his eyes showed pure obsidian black, it was like looking into a pit of despair. He was about to reach out to me, but something clearly pulled him back.

Even before we had talked, there was a whisper in my ear. It sounded like Stiles, but wasn't him. It sounded pure darkness and evil, as if a demon was near me. I shaked off the cold feeling in my spine, and walked to the door of the lake house. I let Scott in first, since he was carrying Stiles over his shoulder.

I took a good look at Stiles' face, and he looked at peace when he slept. He had bags under his eyes, probably from not getting to much sleep. Scott had set Stiles down on to the couch, will Derek, Allison, and I tried to find out what to do now.

"Lydia, do you have any banshee senses that set off anything, like anything weird?" Scott said, unaware that we were probably going to do something to his best friend.

"Um..I think there's something wrong with Stiles."

"We already thought of that Lydia, but anything else?" Allison said.

"I think there's something inside him." I said while looking at Stiles. He didn't look or act like his usual self.

"What do you mean?" Scott said getting closer .

I sighed, I hope I didn't sound too weird, but it's Beacon Hills anything can happen. "I think something or someone possessed Stiles. And before you say anything, I have my reasons. When Stiles was behind me, I felt his presence, but he didn't say anything. I thought he would have, but then. Then something whispered in my ear, it sounded like Stiles, but at the same time it wasn't. I swear I shivered at the sound of that voice, it felt as if he was right behind me, but when I had turned he was several feet away from me."

"So your saying something has possessed Stiles." Scott said.

"Basically. So what should we do?" But before Scott could say anything, someone else beat him too it.

"Go into his mind." We all turned around and saw Deaton emerge from the shadows.


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