Battle For Love Part I

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Third Person P.O.V. 

The Nogitsune had friends with him. They looked dark, like their soul. They had katanas in their hand, while the McCall pack came unprepared. Some still look sleep deprived, while others like Stiles are trying to create a quick plan in his head. 

All of them knew this wouldn't end well at all. They were all completely surprised that the Nogitsune was even here. Scott was for sure that the Nogitsune died, why would have it taken so long for him to make a come back? But now he knew, the Nogitsune was trying to get more powerful, that's how he got his friends with him. 

The McCall Pack only had a bat, M9 pistol, claws, and a very loud scream. Scott looked back at Allison and held her hand. All of them couldn't really afford to lose each other. 

"Well well, look who's back?" The Nogitsune walked forward, with a evil grin on his face. "Oh that's right, me. That's who." 

Stiles and Scott made sure Lydia and Allison were right behind them, both of them were trying their best to be calm and strong. 

"Also congrats to Stiles and Lydia, you finally took the courage to ask her to marry you, I'm both so happy for you guys." Stiles bit his inner cheek to keep him screaming at the Nogitsune. The way he said Lydia's name was way to friendly for his liking. 

"Oh but I'm totally sorry for cutting the happy moment short, you see I was very eager to see you guys." The Nogitsune walked closer to them, and the pack just scooted back. 

"Especially you Stiles. I've kept my eyes on you for a very long time." 

"What do you want?" Stiles spat back. He knew the Nogitsune was up to his old tricks. 

"Ouch, why such the rude come back? After all we're still connected, you and I Stiles." 

"What do you mean connected? I don't want any part of you!" 

The Nogitsune just snickered, this was what caught most of the pack's attention. Stiles dropped his bat and walked over to the Nogitsune. 

"Stiles?" Lydia said in a whimper. 

Stiles was walking straight to the Nogitsune, while the pack was left shock. They didn't know what was happening.

The Nogitsune patted Stiles shoulder. 

"Welcome brother, thanks for joining us." 

Stiles turned around, but what wasn't there before, was the blood red eyes. 

"Hi Brother." But the once happy, and sarcastic voice that left Stiles' body wasn't there anymore. It was something else. 

Author's Note

Sorry for not updating sooner guys, school has been a pain in the butt. But I wanted this series to last longer, so this chapter will be a three part chapter. I just didn't want this series to end so soon. 

Comment what you think might happen next, will the pack make it out all alive, or one will not make it. 

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