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Third Person P.O.V.

There was shocked faces everywhere besides Deaton. He had just said we go into Stiles' mind, to which the pack still doesn't know what's wrong with Stiles. They simply had an idea, but fully weren't sure a demon was in Stiles, there could be other possibilities, but it seemed that Deaton already knew what Stiles was.

"Are you crazy?!" Lydia said with a bewildered facial expression.

"The idea, yes, me, no. Look you guys are actually on the right path, Stiles has been possessed, but not by a demon, but by a nogitsune. By the looks of it, the old Stiles is trying his best to stay sane, but I think the nogitsune broke him mentally. You see the dark bags under his eyes? It's a clear sign that he hasn't been sleeping, the nogitsune has an effect like that on people." Deaton said while looking at everyone and lastly looking at Stiles. Stiles was still asleep, probably the first one he had in weeks, Deaton thought.

The packed then looked at Stiles. Scott had a worried expression for his friend, the friend that he loves, and wishes was back. Scott hasn't been the same, and it's been killing him.

Lydia got up, getting everyone's attention, and walked fast to the bathroom. She had tears in her eyes. Those tears were for Stiles and herself. She can't believe the person she loves the most and still cares about has been through much more pain than herself. Lydia thought of all the things this nogtisune could have done to Stiles.

Allison walked towards the direction Lydia went to, her best friend was in pain, and it was clearly showing. Allison knew that Lydia was trying her best to be strong, but that's kinda hard when the person she has love for years comes back, and is now possessed by a supernatural creature.

Allison heard sobbing coming out of the bathroom, and opened it slowly, preparing for what she was about to see. Allison saw Lydia sitting on top of the toilet cover and was still crying, this was Allison's cue to comfort her best friend. Allison hugged Lydia, and tried her best to comfort her.

"Lydia, it's going to be alright, we will do anything, and I mean anything to get Stiles back." Allison said with a stern voice, and all of what she said is true. Allison was willing to go beyond limits just to get her best friend to be happy again. Allison was tired of checking up on Lydia just to see if she hasn't killed herself, and Allison knew soon that she will open the door to her apartment and find her lying in bed with pills by her side. Allison didn't want to see that part of her best friend, because ever since Lydia was brought into the supernatural world, she wasn't same Lydia she once knew. Allison just wants her best friend back, and the same goes for Scott.

Once Lydia was done crying, her and Allison walked back to where the guys were.

"Let's do it." Lydia said with all seriousness.

"What?" Derek said.

"Let's do this 'go into his mind' thing. I want my Stiles back and I'm tired of waiting. So let's do it." Deaton had a smirk formed, he knew that eventually Lydia would give in, but not as soon as he expected.

"Okay, I need Lydia and Scott. You two are the most important people in Stiles' life, Lydia being his love, and Scott being his best friend. So I need you Lydia to sit by Stiles." Lydia did what she was told, she sat on the same couch Stiles was, but Stiles was now position up right. Lydia was on Stiles' left.

"What do I do?" Scott said.

"Scott I need you to get behind the couch. Your going to be the connection or link to get into Stiles' mind. You're going to use your claws, and inject them into the back of Lydia's and Stiles' neck, where there is a vein that connects to the brain, therefore allowing you to go into his mind. Now be careful, you don't want to mentally hurt nogitsune, because the nogitsune has almost all control of Stiles' body, if you hurt the nogitsune he might likely send the pain to Stiles. Instead you're going to lure him to come back, but don't force it, that will cause us more problems."

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