Two Sides of The Same Coin

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Lydia P.O.V. 

-2 Years Later- 

It's been two years of constant pain and torture. Two years of being alone. My crying has been unstable, but I don't cry anymore at work. 

My house is quiet most of the time, unless Allison and Scott come over and make sure I haven't decided to kill myself yet. I have multiple times wanted to, but I just couldn't do it. 

I was watching the Notebook, when the doorbell rang. I paused the movie, and got some tissues to fix myself before whoever was at the door see me. 

I walked to the door and opened it. 

"Look Scot-" But it wasn't Scott or Allison at the door. It was somebody else. 

Aiden P.O.V. 

I have been thinking lately, and I finally figured things out. I'm in love with Lydia Martin. I know I'm being a jerk for liking her, because Stiles is gone. But I came here to visit her just to check one last time if I'm actually in love with her. 

I ran the doorbell to her house, and waited patiently for her to open it.

"Look Scot-" 

But it wasn't Scott at the door, it was me. I knew it must have been surprising for her to see me again. The last time we saw each other was to look for Stiles, but I knew back then Lydia wouldn't like me back. Even before Stiles and Lydia were together, back in Beacon Hills High School I was Lydia's 'distraction'. We hooked up multiple times, but Lydia didn't want a relationship with me. And when I did have the courage to tell her about what I felt, Stiles swooped in before me. 

But now Stiles is gone, and now is my chance. Hopefully she will return the same feelings as me. 

"Adien......what are you doing here?"

"Um, I just wanted to check up on you and see how you're doing that's all."

"Okay? Come in I guess."

I walked to the smell of popcorn and to the site of used tissues everywhere. I looked at the screen and saw The Notebook being played. Her eyes looked puffy, probably from all the crying.

She led me into the living room, where we just sat in awkward silence. She didn't even play the movies to even make it seem less awkward.

"Aiden, what are you doing here? We rarely talk to each other, the last time we have talked was when we were trying to find--"

That's when she broke out in tears again. I immediately hugged her, and rubbed her back in circles. It;s been two years and she still hasn't gotten over Stiles.

Once she controlled her tears, she looked up from my chest. Our eyes locked for who knows how long. Our heads were slowly leaning in.

Stiles P.O.V.

It's been two years since I had left Beacon Hills, I didn't even plan on visiting until today. What the pack doesn't know is that I have been spying on them, but I have never bothered to step foot into Beacon Hills. I had some other friends of mine do that for me.

I only sent one person to see what Lydia was doing a year and two months ago. All I needed to know was that she was safe, nothing else. I didn't bother to ask what she was doing, or was she in another relationship.

The voice inside my head kept on getting worse by the day, but the voice never affected my appearance nor my personality, it only affected my soul. The only thing the voice could ever talk about was Lydia, he talked about how she didn't love me non-stop.

But today was my breaking point, I had to see Lydia for myself. I knew she was still living in the same house we lived in.

I was in our backyard, it looked dead. Not just the grass, but also the house. There was a window where I could see in living room.

But what I saw broke my heart even more. I saw Lydia and Aiden kiss.

I picked up a rock, and threw it at the window. It broke into pieces, just like my heart. I than ran, ran into the woods. Where I can just be by myself.  

 Author's Note

If you don't understand the title of this chapter. It means that on one side, it's the normal Stiles. On the other side is the voice inside Stiles' head.

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