Is it True?

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Stiles P.O.V.

Nothing, that was all I was feeling. Nothing. I couldn't feel tips of my fingers brushing against my face, I couldn't feel the skin on my body. I just couldn't feel anything.

There was no sound at all, but the quietness seemed so loud. I couldn't open my eyes, it's like they were sealed shut. The darkness was everywhere.

I didn't like the feeling of being alone, but it always feels like somebody's watching me. No matter where I'm at, I feel as if somebody has their eyes set on me. I would always feel uneasy, but the darkness didn't help. It felt like everything was cold.

I walked around, well I thought I was walking. Everything looked the same. There was nothing to go to, not even the smallest change in color.

I tried screaming my friend's names, one by one, but there was no answer in return.

"Is this suppose to be heaven," I think to myself.

If it was, the bible has the complete opposite of what it was.

I tried focus on my hearing, only this time, there was a voice

"Hello Stiles."

The voice sounded like a former enemy of mine, one that haunted my dreams at night, the one that almost made me think killing myself was the answer. The one that convinced me jumping in front of a car was alright. The one that I feared the most.


The voice was in my head, he was always in my head. I thought I had blocked him out years ago, but he never left.

"What do you want," I said irritated with the fact that he's back.

"I thought you might have wanted company, since nobody's around Stiles."

"I rather be alone, than ever talk to you. I thought you were gone."

"That's where your wrong Stiles, I was never gone. I am still inside your head, I was just simply hiding for a couple years."

"Why did you decide to come out now?"

"Me, I simply came out only because- oh wait here she is, just on time."

"Who? Who's there?"

The voice didn't say anything, I looked around in panic trying to find out who was coming.

"I don't love him."

This voice was way too familiar. I kept thinking it wasn't her, my heart was on the edge of breaking.

"I don't love him. I don't love him. I don't love him."

Those four words kept echoing through my head, getting louder by the second.

"I don't love him. I don't love him."

She kept on saying it, the words kept pounding me on and on. My heart was tearing into pieces.

"Stop it, stop it," I said trying to get her out of my head. But it only got louder and louder, and darker and darker.

"I don't love him. I don't love him."

"Stop It!"

I got on to my knees, and put my hands between my ears. But the voice was louder than ever.


Than pain went every where in my body, there was pain in and out side of my body.

I screamed hoping that it would make everything go away.

It was like those words were killing me, and they were killing me mentally and physically. Those words affected me like wild fire. Those words just can't be true, Lydia loves me. But I wasn't trying to convince anyone that. I was only trying to convince myself that. Were those words true?

Lydia P.O.V.

There was an ear screeching scream echoing through the halls of the hospital, only it wasn't mine. It was Stiles.

I got up and out of Allison's arms, and tried to find where the source of that scream was.

I ran through the halls, not caring if I was probably breaking a thousand rules. I just wanted Stiles.

I went into a hospital room to see Stiles freaking out on the hospital bed, but his eyes were still close. His heart rate was going up fast, insanely fast.

Something was happening to him. I ran to him, trying to clam him down. But nothing was working. The nurses and doctors seem to be nowhere around.

I did the only thing I do when I needed Stiles to clam down. I kissed him. His heart rate went down to a normal level, and the hospital staff just came in. They told me to get out, but I was glad to hear that Stiles was at least still alive. But what was happening to him?

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