He's Back?

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Aiden P.O.V.

I was dropped to the ground, pain was consuming me everywhere possible, even in my brain. My vision was still blurry, either from the tears in my eyes or the blood coming out of it. My chest felt like it was on fire, as if there was furnace right inside it and somebody just decided to light it up. I could barely even breathe, there was probably blood inside my lungs also. My legs could barely keep me up, I had dropped to the ground, feeling weak and pain all at once. My werewolf healing could barely keep up the damage Stiles made.

It felt like tables were turned now, Stiles wasn't the one getting beat up, and me being the one to beat him up. No, I was getting the punches and pain this time, while Stiles gets to smile at the pain.

I never even knew how this felt, I actually never felt pain before until today, and I don't plan on feeling pain ever again.

But Stiles, that name was literally popping up in my mind everywhere. Stiles. Stiles. How could he be back? Where did he get the new powers?

This really wasn't the Stiles I knew, well sort of knew. From what I hear, he's kind, nice, and caring, but what I had experienced was totally the opposite. If this wasn't Stiles, who would it be?

Once my eyes retrieved it's eye sight back, I looked down at my stomach and chest and saw that the healing was way too slow, by the time I fully heal it would probably be two weeks from today. I need help, but moving itself already hurts.

So I did one thing I could to get help, and I was damn good at it. I howled.

Scott P.O.V.

I heard a wolf howl in the middle of the night, my ears told me it was Aiden, and I immediately got out of bed, put on some clothes, and ran to Aiden. While I was running through the woods, I noticed that it has been months, maybe even years, since I ran like this. I thought Beacon Hills was done causing trouble, but the way Aiden howled, something was up. There was a new feeling in the air, as if the oxygen itself was just sucked out.

I couldn't help, but be on edge. Who know's what's happening this time?

Once I had arrived on scene, Derek and Ethan were already there. They were both helping Aiden to his feet. I got a good look at him, but was too shocked at the damage done to him, he couldn't even stop screaming in pain every time they move him. There was blood everywhere, some on the ground, some on Derek, some on Ethan, a lot on Aiden, and some even high at the trees.

"What the fuck happened here?"

Derek look into my eyes, and I could already tell I wasn't going to like what I was going to hear.


He said the one word, the one name, the one person that I would have never thought of.


He passed out after that. I was too busy thinking about Stiles, rather than focusing on Aiden. He's back? I thought he was dead?

I was snapped out of my trance when Derek said,"Let's get to Deaton, Aiden lost a lot of blood, and his healing isn't doing enough healing right now."

I called Allison, and Lydia and told them to meet us at Deaton's office, he would know what to do.

(And to my fellow readers who don't know who Deaton is, Deaton is basically a supernatural doctor and mentor. He knows basically a lot about the supernatural animals, and works as a veterinarian to hide what he really is. The pack usually goes to him for help involving injuries or anything else. Deaton has a lot of experience with the supernatural, so nothing surprises him when he hears a weird creature name.)

Lydia P.O.V.

I had arrived at Deaton's office, in the middle of the night. I was anxious the whole ride there, I usually didn't have to do this anymore. The tone of Scott's voice didn't sound good. What could have possibly happened? And my window being broken, Aiden being suspicious.

I opened the door and was greeted with 5 familiar faces, but another one was on the table. It was Aiden, and I could barely recognize him. He had so much damage and blood on him, I would have mistaken him for being dead if it wasn't the heart monitor beating.

"What happened?" I said while going to Aiden's side.

I just saw him 30 minutes ago, what could have possibly happened in such a short time?

"Lydia, I need to speak with you alone." Scott said in a serious tone. He rarely uses that tone with me anymore, and I could tell it wasn't good.

Scott led me into another office and closed the door behind me.

"What happened to Aiden? He looks......dead."

"Well he isn't so that's a good thing, but Lydia what I'm about to tell you, it's good and bad."

"Just give me the good news first."

"An old friend is back."

I think that's good, but why is he saying that?

"Okay? What's the bad news?"

"Okay Lydia before I mention you the bad news, this old friend of our, isn't the old one we knew before."

"Just get on with it Scott, I don't need puzzles or codes to solve just tell me already!"

He sighed before continuing,"It's Stiles...he's back."

I looked at Scott in shock, than tears started to resurface again. Scott hugged me and rubbed circles in my back to comfort me.

One thing was on my mind the whole time.

He's back.

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