Who Was That?

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Lydia P.O.V.

I was certainly surprised when Aiden, showed up at my door. More importantly, even kiss him. It was just a heat of the moment thing for me. It didn't mean anything to me.

Even though Scott, Allison, and the others thought that Stiles was dead, I was nowhere near believing he was. So what Stiles is human, that doesn't mean he can die as easily as anybody in the pack. No, Stiles is the strongest person I have ever met, he may not have the muscles, but no matter what happens Stiles is always the one to pull us through. If one of us was going through a bad time, Stiles would help us get over it. Stiles would always help us in any way possible. Even if he was going through a tough time, he would just put on a brave mask and put it aside for our pack.

But I heard a loud crash, and saw that someone broke my window. Whoever it was, was already gone. Aiden went to check the backyard, and tried to get a scent on who it was. But at one moment he tensed, meaning he knew who it was, but he didn't tell me who it was. He acted like nobody was even there. If he actually thought that I believed his stupid lie about not knowing who it was, than he must have been a lot more stupid than I expected.

He helped me cleaned up the glass on floor, and I said goodbye to him. I honestly wanted to find out who broke my window, but I couldn't. I didn't have werewolf senses, no. I just had voices inside my head, telling me when death is coming. But whoever it was, surprisingly spooked Aiden. Which is very rare.

I went back upstairs, and went to the end of the hallway, to the door on to my left.

I never come in here anymore ever since Stiles left. The only time I come in here, is the only on this day.

There was just too many memories in this certain room. I went inside and closed the door behind me. There was a my old office and desk to the left, and in the middle of the room was Stiles and I personal movie room. We would always watch any movie that we wanted in here. This was like our personal room, where only Stiles and I could come in. To the right of the room was our snack bar, and popcorn machine.

I sat down at the couch, and old memories just him me in a flash.


"Stiles, stop."

Stiles and I were having a tickle fight, but Stiles was winning. He had me pinned on the couch, while he endlessly tickled my sides. But he didn't stop, only tickled me more.

I kept trying to tell him to stop, but nothing was working. Not even my seductive look, but that was hard to pull of when somebody is constantly tickling your weak spots.

So I used my most precious move to stop him, I kissed him. He stopped tickling, and kissed me back like he always does.

I knew this was my chance to distract him. I switched our places, now I was on top of him.

He looked at me with shock and proud look.

"Dang Lydia, you had to use that move on me." He put on a fake angry face, which I contained my laughter.

I kissed him again, and he was back to his normal self.

"But I didn't say I didn't like it."

I smiled for what has been the highlight of my day. Stiles always knew how to make me smile or happy again, apparently he hates it when I'm sad.

We just sat there, me on top of him. My head on his chest, while his arms are wrapped around me.

"I love you," he said in the most cutest way.

I looked into his eyes, and said,"I love you too."

He took my hand and said one of my most favorites quotes,"Lydia Martin, you and I, forever and always."

End of Flashback

I silently let my tears fall to the memory. I always cherished what he said. I wished I could just replay those moments, so I could just remember, for just a second, remember what it felt like to be in Stiles' arms. To remember what it felt like to be loved by him. To remember the feeling of his lips on mine. To remember what it felt like to be safe and protected in his arms.

I just wanted to remember. I would give up anything just to go back and live those moments again. Stiles, I'm sorry. I wish you can forgive me.

Scott P.O.V.

I can never forgive myself, nope I just can't. I have tried on multiple occasions on forgetting the fact Stiles was going to propose, but I just can't. It's like the memory is tattooed to my brain.

I even tired to tell Lydia, but I just couldn't do it. Everyday was also like a punch to the face, my best friend was gone and I still have information that I should have told a long time ago.

I've been visiting Lydia a lot now, Allison and I check up on her. Just to make sure she hasn't committed suicide. So far, she has made little progress of moving on.

Part of her house is collecting dust, mostly her movie room. It literally is labeled on the door, Only Stiles and Lydia Can Go In, with bold letters. That was their only little special room, just for them and only them.

There hasn't been any supernatural activity in Beacon Hills. Just none at all. I've been suspicious about it, because usually Beacon Hills always has a bad guy or something happening where we have to save the day. Maybe Beacon Hills has had enough, maybe Stiles leaving was the last thing to be thrown at us.

But I learned one thing from Stiles leaving, to love Allison and everyone I care for more. I can never know what will happen the next day, and I want those who I love know I love them.

Stiles, my brother, I loved him, but he just never was there to hear it. I love you man. Why did you leave us?

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