The Good and The Bad

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Third Person P.O.V. 

Derek heard the sound of the metal door opening it, he expected it to be Scott, but it was just Stiles. Derek went back to working out. 

"Stiles, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be home, you know, with Lydia." But Stiles didn't respond. 

He only walked forward to Derek, his back turned to him. Stiles could clearly see the triskelion tattoo on his back. But Derek, he should have sensed something. He should have smelt it, this wasn't Stiles. No, it was the nogitsune. 

Before Derek could say anything again, the nogitsune stabbed him through the place where his tattoo was. Derek looked down, and noticed the blade through his chest, it was covered in blood. His blood. 

Derek could feel more blood going up his throat, blocking out the oxygen he needed. The nogitsune twisted the blade inside him, making Derek scream in pain. There was a burning sensation in him, that's when everything clicked inside him. This wasn't Stiles, this was the nogitsune. 

Derek should have known, the nogitsune smelled like death. It was all over him, but he just had to put his guard down. 

-At Lydia and Stiles' home-

Their happy moment was ruined, Lydia could hear the voices, this time hitting her like a truck. They were louder than ever. 

Someone's going to die. Someone's going to die. They repeated those words in her head, making Lydia cover her ears. She just wanted the voices to stop. This was suppose to be her moment, this was suppose to be the time where she was suppose to be happy, Stiles had just proposed to her. 

Lydia could feel the scream coming up her throat, begging for her to release it. But Lydia didn't want to, she didn't want to scream. She knew what it meant, someone's going to die. 

But the feeling in her throat became unbearable, and that's when she let out an ear pitching scream. 

Stiles had to cover his own ears to keep himself from passing out. 

Once Lydia was done, the voices quiet down. Then, with a just a whisper they said Derek.

Author's Note

Please tell me what you think about this chapter, and vote. This series is about to come to an end, and I want to thank all my fans that have been reading this series since the begining. And major shoutout to my friends Secret_Midget and Annahoodd. They're the reasons that I even started my Wattpad accout, and they're the same reason that I still want to write fanfiction today.  

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