Is He Going To Make It?

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Scott P.O.V. 

Lydia ran into the cemetery to find Stiles, she ran faster than me and that was a lot to say. Allison and I tried to catch up, but Lydia was way faster when she was on a mission. 

Once she stopped midway to the cemetery she saw Stiles, but only I felt a presence near Stiles. That's when I saw my best friend fall, and when I heard the endless screams of terror from Lydia. 

Lydia was the first one to reach to Stiles, as I kept on running to them as fast as I could. When I finally reached Stiles and Lydia, Stiles' head was on Lydia's lap. There was blood everywhere. Some splatted on the tombstones, but mostly blood on the grass. His eyes were closed, but I couldn't accept the fact he's dead. I focused on my hearing, trying to find his heartbeat. With just enough luck I heard it. He was still alive, but barely. 

"Lydia, we can't just sit here, we have to get Stiles to the hospital." 

She didn't move, it looked as if she moved, Stiles would be out of her grasp forever. But I couldn't let my best friend die, so I told Allison to deal with Lydia, while I carry Stiles to the hospital. 

Allison pried Lydia off of Stiles, and embraced her with a hug. I picked my best friend up bridal style, and headed towards Allison and I's car. 

I placed Stiles at the back seat, with his head on Lydia's lap. His skin kept getting paler and paler by the second. 

My hands were shaking uncontrollably, so I head to let Allison drive. During the whole ride I kept looking back to Stiles, but my hands kept on shaking every time I did that. Fear was consuming my body.

We finally reached the hospital, I had already called my Mom to get ready since she was having a double shift tonight. 

I lifted my best friend again, and ran inside the hospital. The first person I saw was my Mom, who took Stiles. She knew what was happening, so she got to work pretty fast. They took him to another room, where I saw him disappear behind a set of doors. 

They didn't allow me to go in with him, because of hospital rules. 

Hours past by, and we still didn't have a clue what happened to Stiles. All I knew is that whoever decided to hurt my best friend, decided to hurt all of us. I will find whoever did this to him and make them regret it.

Allison was worn out, so she slept on my shoulder, but unlike her best friend, Lydia was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. 

She still had tears in her eyes, but tried hard not to let them fall. It was hard for me to comfort her, since all I could look at was the blood on her outfit. The blood was so strong, that the scent of it filled my nose. It was cruel and torcher for me to smell my own best friend's blood. 

"Lydia, can you please sit down," I said in a whisper. 

"I know your worried about Stiles, we all are, but pacing is not going to make it better Lydia." 

She sat down right beside me, but her tears again weren't controlled. She cried on and on, while I tried to clam her with my voice. I still don't get how Stiles manages to get this girl clam. It like she's a hurricane. 

I kept hearing her blame her self, that this wouldn't have happened if the fight didn't happened, or if she didn't get jealous she would be at home right now with Stiles' arms around her. 

I honestly didn't blame Lydia for all of this happening. This is Beacon Hills after all, anything can happen. But the worst part is that the damaged Stiles received is only the weakest thing Beacon Hills can do, and death isn't even the worst. 

Lydia cried on for an hour, until her eyes couldn't take it anymore and fell asleep. 

Lydia P.O.V.

I had fell asleep with guilt all over me. I couldn't help, but think that I'm the blame for this. If I hadn't walked away during that party. If I hadn't had a fight with Stiles. If I hadn't just said those stupid words, none of this would happen. I'm surprised that Scott hasn't even lashed out on me for doing this to his best friend, maybe he doesn't blame me.

I opened my eyes, but found myself not at the hospital waiting room. I was sitting on a chair with my head down. From what I could see I was wearing all black, and so was the person to my left and right. I looked up and found myself in my worst nightmare.

I was attending Stiles' funeral. Everyone was wearing black. Scott, Allison, Aiden, Ethan, Derek, and Kira were all there. There were never ending rows of people in black, it's like the whole town came for the funeral. I saw Scott in tears, while Allison was simply trying to fight for control of her own.

I looked back at the coffin, and ran to it. I wasn't going to believe that he was done. He just couldn't be. After what Stiles and I have been through he just can't die.

I tried to scream his name, but nothing came out. I felt like I couldn't breath or speak, like the oxygen from the world just disappeared.

I turned around, but I didn't see anybody. I only saw the cemetery at night time. I saw Stiles in the middle of it, with his back turned to me.


He turned around, but something made him fall. I ran towards him. When I had reached him all I saw was him in blood, nothing else. Everything else was just black, except the blood and him. He looked more lifeless than ever. There was just so much blood.


I went to his side, but he wasn't there anymore. I looked up and saw him a couple feet away, with the same image of him soaked in his own blood.

I looked around, he was everywhere. There was blood everywhere. The more I looked, the more I see him dead. The more I see blood.

I covered my eyes, I didn't want to see this.


I kept screaming his name, hoping that he would be come to my rescue. But nobody did ever come. I was in an infinite nightmare, that only just begun.  

Allison P.O.V. 

I woke up to the sound of my best friend screaming. It was louder than ever. I tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't budge. All she did was scream Stiles. 

I kept trying and trying to wake her up, but it got to the point where my patience ran out. I slapped her with all my power.

Lydia opened up her eyes, and looked around the room. I held her into a hug, where she broke in another pit of tears. 

Scott left, so Lydia and I can have alone time. Never have I seen my best friend in such a fragile state. Stiles can literally be the death of Lydia. 

But there was another scream that echoed through the halls, only this time is wasn't Lydia's. It was Stiles'. 

Author's Note

Please comment of what you think so far. The more comments the faster the update. There might be another update this week. And long live Stydia. 

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