The Ring

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Scott P.O.V.

It's been killing me everyday to know about the proposal. But I'm glad to know that my best friend is back. I wanted to spend some time with him today, and I plan on to talk to him about it.

I knocked the door to their house, and heard a muffled sound of a conversation. I decided to listen in.

"But do you have to go?" Lydia said in a pouty voice. 

"Yes Lyds, and don't worry I will be back when I come home." Lydia was about to say something back, but the door opened. There he was, my best friend, and in full human flesh. 

"Hey bro." I said giving him a quick man hug. 

"Sorry Lydia, but I'm going to have to borrow your boyfriend for tonight." 

She crossed her ams, and had this look on her face that just screams,"I will murder you." Never in my life would I have thought I would be scared of Lydia Martin, but right now all I wanted to do was get away from her as fast as can. 

"You better return him in one piece or you will be hearing from me McCall." I gave her a salute, and before Stiles could kiss Lydia, I pulled his arm, trying to get away from his scary girlfriend. I didn't bother to look back, because I felt a cold stare at the back of my neck. 

Once Stiles and I were in my car, I drove away from their house, and finally sighed in relief that I'm away from Lydia Martin. 

"Bro, I know you love her, but she's scary." He laughed at my comment, and nodded his head in agreement.

When we reached Pizza Hut, Stiles and I took our orders, and started to talk. Until half way through the dinner, we only talked about the good memories when we were in high school, but now I wanted to talk about the proposal. 

"Stiles man, I'm sorry." I said after taking a sip from my drink.

"What are you sorry for?" He said taking a bite from his pizza. 

"I'm sorry I didn't save you when you needed me the most." How exactly am I suppose to believe that I am saving people if I can't even save my own best friend? He had to go through endless amounts of pain and torture and I haven't even done anything, but ask him if he is okay.

"Scott, don't ever think that you didn't do anything. You even went into my mind just to get me out, and that's not even the beginning. You have saved my ass when we had those supernatural fights in high school, I honestly think that a bat wasn't going to be my savior back in those days." 

We both laughed at the last sentence. It made me feel better, to know that he doesn't hate me. Now that he mentions it, I wonder where his infamous bat is? 

"But Stiles thanks for not hating me man." 

"Scott, nothing can make me hate you, but spill it. I know you didn't just want to hang out, but I feel like you want to talk more about something." 

He knows me too well. 

"It's honestly been killing me Stiles when you were gone, but it's been killing Lydia more. I remebered when you told me that you were going to propose to her that night. I wanted to tell her many, many times, but she was so broken. I thought this would set her over edge. So I never told her, but now that you are back, which I am happy about, are you going to propose to her?" 

I took a deep breath once I was finished, I have been wanting to get that off my chest for a long time. Stiles didn't respond back immediately, but I knew he was trying to process what I just said. 

Stiles dug into his pocket, and pulled out a black velvet box.  

"This has been in my pocket for who knows how long. I'm remembered the day very well when I had bought it and it was even long before that night had even happened." 

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