Not The Old Me

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Stiles P.O.V. 

-3 Days Later- 

It has been three days since I made it back to Beacon Hills. I hope my old friends got the message, hopefully voice didn't hurt Aiden too bad to the point he doesn't remember me. Hopefully he'll remember the pain I had caused him everytime he hears my name, but for now let's just hope they got the message loud and clear. 

I walk through the fimilar streets of Beacon Hills at night, never in daylight. I don't want anyone that knows me to see me, it seems nothing has changed in Beacon Hills, except for new people. Sometimes I would hide in the trees, seeing if there is new creatures in Beacon Hills, but sadly no. 

Sometimes I would even see what the old pack was doing. They would either meet in Derek's house, trying to figure out what my next move was. The more funny part was seeing Aiden wimper at the sound of my name, he's not the big bad wolf I use to know. 

Sometimes I would look at Lydia and remeber when we use to date, but then I remembered that she broke my heart, that she and Aiden were going out.

Sometimes I would see Scott look at old picutres of the gang, and he would look at me and I would see a tear escape. He would always wipe it away quickly though. I know he still tries to be the tough and strong one in the pack, when no one else could be. Oh Scott, I hope you hate me. This will make the pain easier to put on you. 

But today I was going to make my move. I was carefully hiding in the trees. Lydia Martin was walking home, by herself. Of course that was the first mistake. Walking home alone, but I shouldn't complain, this makes it easier for me. 

I dropped down on one knee gracously, without a single thud being heard. Lydia hadn't looked back. 



"Whisper this to Lydia, hopefully she's still a banshee." 

"What do you want me to say?" 

"Just say this, I'm back." 

Once voice had done that, Lydia quickly turned around and dropped her phone. She was too shock to see me. I smirked as she tried to walk to me slowly, but I simply step back. 

"Stiles? Is that really you?" She said in a whisper, too afraid that it wasn't real. 

"It's me, but at the same time, it's not me. You see Lydia, I'm not the same Stiles you once knew. I'm not the old me. I'm not that stupid guy that cared about you so much, because you clearly didn't care at all!" 

I saw tears about to escape, and the old me wasn't gone. There was some left. I step forward, and was about to reach out and wipe away the tear, but I remembered. I'm not the same anymore, nor do I intend to be. 

But she did something unexpected. 


That's when I felt strong hands holding me, and my world turned black. 

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