Where Are You?

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Stiles P.O.V.

-Three Days Later-

I had reached the border line of Beacon Hills yesterday. I knew I was leaving my friends and family behind, only for a girl. But this girl was no ordinary girl, this was Lydia Martin. The girl that can make me do anything with just a snap of her finger, and the girl that broke my heart.

I check my wounds and found them already healed, so far nobody has found me yet and I like it that way. I don't want them to find me. They'll only find a guy whose soul is so broken, that it can't be fixed. They might not even find the old me.

I keep walking, but I don't know where. I just walk.

Lydia P.O.V.

Ever since I had received that call, Scott, Allison, Derek, Aiden, Ethan, and I have been looking non-stop for him. So far we had reached a dead end. We lost his scent once we reached day 2, but I knew Stiles can't be too far. What worries me the most is him getting hurt again, so much things could happen to him and it would be my fault.

I panic most of the time now, I can barely take a joke. I can't even laugh to anything, I try not to get mad at people, I try not to get emotional in front of everybody. I try not live.

Its just been so hard without Stiles. He gave me so much love, more than I deserved. I thought I would never get hurt in this relationship with Stiles, he was always so nice to me. But I never thought that I would hurt him.

I wake up again, with more guilt in my stomach. I looked at the empty side of the bed, and sigh. I hope this doesn't have to become more of a routine now.

I walk into the bathroom, and took a shower. The pack is going to look for Stiles again today. Everyday he's not here, more of my hope it lost. The more of my heart breaks.

I wonder what Stiles was even doing. We saw footage of him walking out of the hospital, and he was wide awake. Where was he even going? What was he thinking? Was he trying to find someone, or trying to get away from someone? Was ge trying to get away from me?

Scott P.O.V.

It's been three days since Stiles went missing, or we think he was missing. He was wide awake when he was heading out of the hospital, so he knew what he was doing.

But waking up isn't easier anymore. I have something that I haven't told Lydia, but if I do she would completely break.

Stiles was going to propose to her that night they fought, but due to the fight he couldn't do it. I have been debating whether I should tell Lydia this information, but she's been trying to put on a brave face for us the past three days. Even though I know she just wants to break down and cry the more Stiles is away from her. If I tell her, she would never forgive herself at all. She would completely break, and I just couldn't do that to her. But she has a right to know.

Maybe if we just find Stiles, I wouldn't even have to tell her. That's if we do, and I'm not sure my best friend doesn't want to be found. He can be good at hiding when he wants to. Just come back Stiles, Lydia isn't the only one missing you. I am.

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