Not Again

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Third Person P.O.V. 

Once the banshee screamed died down, Lydia had ordered Stiles to change into normal clothes and to bring a weapon with him. Lydia knew what the scream meant, someone had died. The voices all said the same name. 


Lydia had changed into a dress and some stilettos, while Stiles was in plaid and had brought his bat with him. 

During the ride to Derek's loft, Lydia had texted Scott and Allison to go there. It was silent, all you could hear was the engine running, and soft breathing. 

When Lydia and Stiles arrived outside of the loft, they found Scott and Allison waiting. 

"What was so important that you guys had to wake us up so late?" Allison said, she looked like she just got out of bed, the same goes with Scott. But he looked more alert like he can sense danger is around. 

"Lydia screamed." It was those words that got Scott and Allison's attention. Nothing else had to be said. 

Lydia had held on to Stiles the whole entire time. They opened the door to the loft. It was dark, but there was light going through the window. 

Scott could smell blood, but also something else. Something he couldn't describe. They came into a stop, when Stiles saw it. It was Derek. He was lying on the ground, and blood was surrounding him. 

Stiles blocked Lydia's view, he didn't want her to see him. 

"Guys, someone's here." Scott said. 

"What do you mean someone's here. Scott, the only one that's here is us and Derek-" Stiles was interrupted when a voice that sound like his, but darker. 

"And me." It was nogitsune, only this time he had friends. 

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