Catching Up On Loss Time

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Stiles P.O.V.

When Lydia went off to work this morning, I had looked around the house. Looking at what was new, what was not new, and overall was it the same house I knew and loved. Some of our pictures were face down, and I picked it up and realized it was ones of Lydia and I. I wiped of the dust that it was collecting and faced it back up. I knew it was hard for her, but hopefully I can fix the broken pieces I have created.

I went down to our basement, and found that none of my games nor game system had been touched. Not even the Wii U that Lydia bought for us, and before you question, the only game we play on it is Just Dance. Surprisingly I am pretty good at that game.

I turned on the Wii, and checked the date that it was last used. And it was the same exact date that I had left Beacon Hills.

I turned off the controller and Wii U, and headed back upstairs. There was something missing in this house, something that was taken away when I had left. It seems as if all color or happiness was taken from everything.

The plants look lifeless, a bunch of objects were collecting dust, and I still haven't look through every single part of the house. I never knew I had such an impact on everything.

The only room that I haven't checked was the movie/ office room. It was the one that I had saved for last, because it is still my favorite part of Lydia and I's house. It's the only thing that it just between Lydia and I, nobody else is allowed in there but us.

I walked up the stairs, and slowly went to the last door on my left in the long hallway. The closer I got to the door, the more colder if it felt. Like some bad aura.

I opened the door slowly, hearing the sound of the door creak. I my eyes first met the light peering through the window curtains. There was dust seen floating around the room, and I just suddenly realized how unused this room was.

There no was trace of footprints nor hand prints anywhere. There was just dust on objects, and I grew sadder knowing that Lydia loved movies, especially the Notebook, and for her to stop watching it made me realize that I'm a jerk for leaving her like this.

Movies was our thing, but I guess Lydia grew out of that phase of watching movies. I looked through the cases of movies on the shelves, all of them having dust on the outer part of the case. All my favorites were left untouched, even the office that Lydia used was left untouched.

I sat down on the couch, not before wiping off the dust on it. I looked around one more time, before I put my head in my hands.

How could I do this to her? How could I be so clueless all this time? Lydia loved me and I was so blind to see it. Maybe I can change it, maybe I can try to make it how things were before. And that's what I decided to do.

I went downstairs, and picked up my keys to my car, and I headed towards the nearest Kroger, and that was about 4 miles away.

I went to the food section looking through the selection of popcorn and candy/deserts, picking out the ones that Lydia loved. I ended up buying a whole cart of junk food, but who cares.

I walked over to the checkout line and checked my phone. It was only 5:45pm, Lydia doesn't come home until 9.

Once I got done paying for the food, I went to Walmart, and started to pick up the Christmas lights for more of a surprise. I also got a new comfy blanket and pillow for us.

As soon as I got home I had put the food on the table in the movie room, and started to hang up the Christmas lights up in the room. Hey, who says that these lights only have to be lit during December. I got all the pillows and blankets and set them on the couch, hopefully Lydia will love this.

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