What Have I Done?

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Lydia P.O.V.

"You know what was a mistake, falling in love with you."

Once I had said those words, I had immediately regretted saying it. Stiles was about to say something back, but didn't. He started to back away. I didn't mean to say it. It just came out, because of this stupid argument which I had started. I reached out to him, saying that I didn't mean it. But he was already walking away.

Now Stiles had just took off in his car, to who knows where. I'm in our living room crying my eyes out. Why had I said those words? Stiles is literally the best thing that happened to me. I messed things up. The only person that has ever cared and loved me for years, only for me to break him. I'm such an idiot. Why had I thought he was flirting with that girl? Was I jealous, I don't know. All I wanted was for Stiles to come back, because I can't afford losing him.

So far I had called him 34 times, and texted him 21 times. I really wanted to say sorry, who knows what he must be thinking right now. Or worse he could get hurt, it was 2:04am in Beacon Hills. There is more of the supernatural out at night time. 

I take my phone out of my pocket, and scroll through the contacts until I find Allison's number. I tapped on it and pressed my phone against my ear, hearing the ring.

Allison P.O.V.

I had woken up to sound of my phone ringing. I gotten up, with pure hatred to whoever had calling me this late in the morning. 

I looked at the caller I.D. and didn't expected it to be Lydia. I propped up to my elbows and answered the call. 

"Lydia, why are you calling so late in the morning?" 

"Allison," she said in a sad tone, it sounded like she was crying at the same time. 

"Lydia, what is it? What's wrong?" 

"Stiles, i-i-t's Stiles," she said choking on her own words. 

A million things was racing through my mind. Stiles, what happened to Stiles? Is he okay? Is he hurt? 

"Lydia, what happened? What happened to Stiles?" 

"Stiles and I had a fight, and then he just left. I called and texted him multiple times and he hasn't answered any of them. I'm scared Allison, it's Beacon Hills at night time. Stiles might get hurt, or worse," she said breaking down to her last sentence.

"Lydia, don't worry Stiles is not going to get hurt. Where are you right now?"

I looked to the left side of the bed and found Scott wide awake, listening to my conversation with Lydia. His ears perked up when he heard Stiles.

"I'm at my apartment."

"Okay, just stay there Lydia. Scott and I will be there in five," I said while changing into some outdoor clothes while Scott did the same.  

Scott and I drove to Lydia's apartment under five minutes. The streets of Beacon Hills were empty, but that just made the worried feeling in my stomach worse. Just because Beacon Hills is empty, doesn't mean the woods aren't. 

 Hopefully Stiles is okay.

Stiles P.O.V. 

I had just barely arrived to the parking lot of the cemetery. I had a bit of a hard time driving, due to my shaky hands. I cried all the way to the cemetery. I'm actually surprised that I made it. 

I went over to the gate of Beacon Hills cemetery and opened it. I passed by rows and rows of tombstones. Every single one of them containing a year and a name. Every time I visited the cemetery usually Lydia was with me, now all I need is a little bit of time away from her. 

I was in the middle of the cemetery, right next to an oak tree, when I found my mom's tombstone. I sat in front of the tombstone and immediately started to cry. I couldn't stop the flowing of tears. 

Lydia had hurt me way too much when she said. What was she thinking? Did she really think that I was a mistake? Or she said because of the heat of the argument? 

There were so many unanswered questions that I wanted answers to, but I was afraid of the answer. 

What if Lydia meant what she had said when she said our relationship was a mistake? I really didn't want that to be the answer. Lydia is the love of my life. 

I have been crying for countless minutes or hours. I lost track of time, that's when I heard something. It was like a faint growl. I looked up and looked around. I saw only the tombstones, but nothing else. I swear I heard something. I got up.

"Hey! Anybody there?!" 

I heard the growl again but it felt closer. I turned around, to only find a black wolf right in front of me. I backed away slowly not wanting to cause harm to myself. 

It growled again, I could clearly see the blood on it's teeth. 


I turned around to find a shocked/happy Lydia. I guess she cant' see the wolf. That's when it attacked me, and I heard countless screams. 

I dropped to the ground, while the wolf clawed my stomach. I losing feeling to my body. Everything hurts. But before the world turned black, I said," I love you Lydia." Then faded into darkness.

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