Your Everything To Me

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Allison P.O.V.

Once we reached Stiles and Lydia's apartment, I didn't bother to knock or ring the doorbell. I simply just opened the door, in the search of my best friend. I found her in the living room. There were tissues flooding the floor, Lydia looked like she had experienced something way more worse than supernatural. Heartbreak. I immediately crushed her with a hug, who knows what she must me going through right now. 

She cried in my arms, Scott looked more worried than me. He simply was trying to be patient for Lydia's sake, he must be wondering where his own best friend is. 

"Lydia, what happened?" 

She wiped away the fresh tears off of her cheeks, and sat up. 

"Stiles and I got into a fight, it happened when I saw him talking to another girl, she was the bartender. I just thought that he was simply talking to her, because he might of wanted help or something. But they talked and talked, to me it looked like they were acting lovey dovey. Something inside me snapped I guess. When Stiles looked over to me, he waved. But I just walked out of the party. I took the car and drove to our apartment, but he took a cab that was right behind me. We started to argue and kept thinking to myself 'He doesn't love you.' The scene of them talking and those words in my mind, I confessed to him of what I saw. But than..." 

She started to grow more tears in her eyes, clearly she the argument didn't go well. 

"Lydia, it's alright. We're here to help you, just tell us," I said trying to comfort her as best as I can. 

"But than I said something that I shouldn't have said." 

"What did you say Lydia?" 

What did she say that made Stiles so angry? Stiles and Lydia don't fight, simply because Stiles is hopelessly in love with Lydia since the third grade. 

"Well Stiles said first that 'What I saw was a mistake!', but I told him,'You know what was a mistake, falling in love with you!" 

She had formed more tears in her eyes, and I let her fall into my arms. My best friend did mess up this time, only now this might actually haunt her forever. 

"Scott do you know where Stiles could be," I said worried for that if Stiles didn't return that a supernatural creature would have gotten to him before we do. 

"The only he's ever gone to when he's in a situation like this...." 

"Where Scott?" 

"To his Mom." 

Lydia was the first one to stand up and walk to the door.

"Well am I the only one to want to get my boyfriend now." 

We both shook our head no, and all got into Scott and I's car. Scott drove with so much speed to the cemetery, he was very careful to not get us into a car crash. Thank goodness no one was out in the middle of the night in Beacon Hills. 

We arrived to Beacon Hills' Cemetery in no time. Lydia hopped out of the car, and ran to the middle of the cemetery.

Lydia P.O.V.

I ran out of the car, in hopes that Stiles was here. I needed for him to know that I truly didn't mean what I said, and that I love him.  I ran as fast as I could to the middle of the cemetery. It wasn't my first time coming here, Stiles and I come here very often to visit his Mom. 

Once I saw a tall figure in the distance, I immediately knew it was Stiles. 


I ran to him, but than I saw something else. It was a wolf, it started to claw out Stiles. I started to scream so loud, more tears started to flow out of my eyes. I ran to Stiles, even though there was a supernatural that could possibly kill me, I still ran to him. 

There I saw him lay down near his Mother's grave, his shirt had so much blood that it looked like endless streams of blood was coming out. I picked up his head and placed it down on to my lap. His eyes started to close more, his skin looked so pale. 

"STILES, don't die on me now Stiles. Please Stiles, I love you. You hear that Stilinski, I love you. Don't leave me Stiles." 

Tears started to drop from my cheeks and on to his face. The more I looked at him, the more I think that this is all my fault. 

"Please Stiles you everything to me!" 

Before his eye lids fully closed, I heard him say one thing. "I love you Lydia." 


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