Battle For Love Part II

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Third Person P.O.V. 

Something happened with Stiles. Scott, Lydia, and Allison were all confused when he had walked to the Nogitsune so freely and openly. But once Stiles had turned around, you could clearly see it's not Stiles. But a more evil version of him. 

His eyes were blood red. They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and if you looked straight into Stiles eyes, there was no soul anymore. As if the Nogitsune had Stiles disappear in the palms of his hands. 

"What did you do to him?!" Scott yelled. He already felt another pang of hurt. It was like losing Stiles all over again. Lydia just saw red, nothing but it. She can't stop starring into those red eyes, as if she's hoping Stiles would be inside there, begging to get out. 

"Oh you see Scott. While you guys thought that I was simply gone, I was actually getting more power. What you didn't know is that Stiles here was somehow still connected to me. The more power that I got, the more control I have over Stiles." The Nogitsune smirked. 

This was not part of any plan they McCall pack had. This just went wrong too fast. 

As the Nogitsune was about to put his hand on Stiles shoulder, Allison aimed her gun at the Nogitsune. "Don't you dare touch him." The Nogitsune just put his hands up, but still had the same evil smirk. 

"Oh Allison. It's not me you have to worry about, it's Stiles here you have to worry about." Just before any of them question what he was saying, Stiles had ran towards Allison first. 

None of them saw it, it was all too fast, like Stiles wasn't even human at all. He picked Allison up, and threw her against the wall. 

"ALLISON!" Lydia had said. Those were the first few words she had said in a while. Lydia ran over to Allison, checking for any signs of bleeding. Thank God there were none. 

"This fight seems unfair, don't you think Stiles?" The Nogitsune made a katana appear in his hand.

"Here you go," he said throwing it in front of Lydia,"you're going to need it." Then the Nogitsune vanished. All that was left was Allison, Lydia, and Scott, but they had to verse Stiles and two oni. 

Stiles made the first move, and ran towards Scott. He slammed him into the wall, making them go through the wall. 

Scott felt pain throughout his whole back, but his wolf healing helped him with the damage. Scott got up, and felt the rumble that was once a wall, and picked it up. He threw one at Stiles, hoping it would cause him damage, but the brick just smashed into more pieces when it made contact with Stiles.

The Nogitsune came back again, making Stiles stop what he was about to do. He let the McCall pack find each other.

Scott made sure that Lydia and Allison weren't hurt.

"Scott, I honestly wouldn't do that to Stiles if I were you. You see, Stiles is still in there. Now that brick that you just through didn't cause damage to his body, but his mind. If you hurt him, you hurt Stiles." And then he vanished again, but this time taking the oni with him.

The McCall pack ran for their lives, hoping it would just save them some time, but all it did was just waste their energy.

Lydia dropped the katana on accident, but when she about to pick it up, there was Stiles. He was to fast for Lydia, so he grabbed the katana first. Scott and Allison were still running, to busy to notice that Lydia stopped.

Lydia started to back up, the man in front of her wasn't the Stiles she knew and love. No, it was just a monster.

Stiles raised the katana, and aimed for Lydia.

But then......... 

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