Chapter Nine: Make me yours.

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Chapter Nine: Make me yours.

- Payton's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

I listened as Zendaya's footsteps trudged away from her bedroom and didnt move until I heard the back door close.

I let out a breath I didnt even.know I was holding as I shot up to sitting position.

One thing is for sure.

My best friend just lied to me.

Okay. Not literally, but she didnt tell me! Even if I made up that thing about Chase, she didnt correct me. Okay, I didnt fully make that thing up. But she still didnt tell me.

Or she did, but she still didnt admit it!

I know im not going crazy. At least, not yet. Im positive I remember her calling Lewis mate. And it wasnt even something I could let go, because of how careful and protective he was acting. The guy even barged into the ladies room!

But, I couldnt find myself to be mad at her. In fact, I know why she wouldnt tell me. Its obvious they cant be together.

"Poor Zenny ," I sighed.

She probably is psyching herself out. Even though she doesnt want to admit it and blames Dava, she has commitment issues.

But who could blame her? Her brothers never allowed her to have a boyfriend. She doesnt know what to do.

And meeting Lewis, her mate, probably scared her half to death.

No wonder she has been odd.

I pulled out my cell and quickly scrolled down the list to his name.

It only took two rings til his voice answered ," Kyle here."

I bit onto my lower lip to stop from smiling at his voice. "Hey, its Payton."

He was quiet for a moment, and all I heard was the splashing of water and birds chirping. Where was he?

"Yeah, Payton. Whats up? ," he asked.

The way he said my name sent chills up my arms. Which was weird and also a first. But I smiled anyway.

"Im in for tonight. Zendaya will be following," I told him.

This seemed to be good information to him as he replied hastily ,"Thats great! I cant wait to meet her." I can practically hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah. Im sure she cant either," I said.

He sighed happily and asked ," Thats all right?"

Before I can answer, he said ," Okay, good. See you tonight. Dress you both up pretty."

"Kyl-," the line went dead, signaling me he hung up.

I sighed. Zendaya hasnt been the only one who changed. Kyle's been distant lately too. Which worries me. What if he found his mate? What am I?

Throwing my phone on the bed, I got out of Zenny's bed. Walking over to her closet, I gasped ," Zenny, you lucky girl."

She had a walk-in closet! I walked in, scanning her clothes. If Lewis was her mate, then their mates. History between the packs be damned.

Mates need their mates. And Zenny's one of my best friends. Even if she doesnt want to as she says or thinks, I know deep down she really wants him.

Plus, maybe thats what the moon goddess aimed for. To fix things between the packs. I mean, no matter how many people in our pack and theirs resent the mating, they cant keep it from happening.

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