Chapter Two: First day.

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Chapter Two: First day.


"Cupcake, you got to get up. Come on. I'm dropping you to school today, " a voice said over me.

Instinctively, I took my pillow and swatted, " Go away. Goodness, I'm not kicking out another boy toy."

I laid onto my stomach and was just about to go back to sleep until someone growled, " Boy toy?"

I sat up in surprise as I remembered I wasn't in the dorm. Shit. I forgot I'm back at home again. I looked to see a furious brother of mine, shaking furiously out of anger.

I chuckled nervously as I figured out why he was mad. "Sorry Zyron, " I apologized, " It's just a reflex. Laura always had me kick her fling of the night out of our dorm."

He growled once more before closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He reopened his eyes and sighed, " You're lucky I'm being reasonable today. Aren't you not supposed to have boys in your room anyway?"

I scoffed and raised an eyebrow, " You think I brought them there? Come on, Zyron." He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair, " At least your up now, cupcake. So, just get dressed."

After he walked out of my room, I stood up grudgingly and entered my bathroom. I slid out of my pjs and hopped into the shower. Trying to stall as much time as possible, I re-shampooed and re-conditioned my hair about three times to piss my brother off just a little. I was sure I smelled exactly like the shampoo bottles at this rate so I decided to stop. I wrapped a towel tightly around my body and wrapped my hair in another towel.

I brushed my teeth, twice just to stall a little more. Sighing, knowing I couldn't really stall all day. If it was possible I would have stalled all year. I exited my bathroom, only to jump and place my hand to my fast beating chest.

Chase was laying on my bed, playing with my phone and when he looked over at me, his eyes widening so wide he looked like a cartoon character. I would have gotten mad at him for being in my room, but I ended up laughing as he sat up so abruptly he fell off of my bed, landing on the floor with an oomph.

"Chase?, " I called out.

His head popped up from behind my bed, as he struggled to keep his eyes on my face. "Y-yeah?," he asked, not really sounding sure.

I chuckled a little and asked," Are you okay?" He looked down at my body and when his eyes met mine again, there was something written in them. I just couldn't put my finger on what. "Y-yeah. I mean... Erm. Could get changed?," he stumbled over words.

I would have chuckled at any other guys face, but this was Chase. So instead of chuckling, I busted out laughing. Chase was always trying to hit on girls and seeing him loss for words was a first for me.

"Yeah.., " I trailed off laughing. I shuffled through my drawers and pulled out my outfit for the day before heading into my bathroom to change, not about to strip in front of my best friend.

I slipped into my outfit for the day with ease. When I was finished, I plugged my blow dryer and took my time drying my hair. Leaving it a little wet, I ruffled my hair to make it look like an out of bed look but just the same as sexy and pretty. It seemed too silly after a moment so I decided to fix it back in place and pin my bangs up. To make my green eyes a little more noticeable, I added eyeliner and a thin coat of mascara to do the trick. I didn't really use makeup that much. Usually my eyes stood out at how electrifying and an unusual green they were. It was something I got from my mother I guess.

I exited my bathroom once more to find Chase sitting back on my bed. "I'm dressed," I announced. He turned to look at me, but somehow had that breathless look to his face. I didn't take it to heart though since Chase was always messing with my head or trying to flirt with me. "I swear, Zen. You get prettier every day."

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