Chapter Eighteen: Dare ever Touch.

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Chapter Eighteen: Dare ever Touch.

- Lewis's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

"Zen?," I called, entering back into the living room, only to find it empty with the remainders of Lena's coloring book.

Mom came out behind me, placing the finished meal on the table. Only, her figure stiffened when shouting came from upstairs.

"But, Alpha! This isn't fair!," A voice screamed, and if I didn't recognize the ugly shrilling and the way my wolf growled in annoyance, I wouldn't have guessed it.

"Alpha, Sir, I really appreciate it, but its fine, really," My mate's delicate and soft voice wafted through the packhouse, making my wolf calm down loads.

My mother and I shared a glance before we both shuffled up the stairs to where they were. Finally coming upon them, I took the scene in.

The first thing my eyes landed on was my mate. I scanned her, looking over every inch I could see to check if she looked exactly the way I left her. When I was satisfied she was untouched, my eyes traveled onto my father, who stood between Brittany and Zen.

Lena was sitting right on her bum, her arms wrapped around my mate's leg as she glared at Brittany.

"Finally," Brittany exhaled, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around me," Tell your dad to get that homewrecker out of the house," she pouted at me, throwing a smirk at my mate, who was more than furious.

The second she advanced on me, my mate began to growl. And the second she touched me, it got louder and my mate's eyes flashed pitch black.

I didn't even care at this moment. I pushed Brittany's face away from me, trying to contain my wolf from shoving her and did it as nicely as possible. About ready to defend my mate, but my mate was at my side in an instant.

More like in front of me, her beautiful and graceful form crouched stealthily into defensive position as she growled at Brittany," Dont you dare ever touch something that is mine."

Brittany looked terrified, her eyes looking helplessly at my parents who stood aside, watching us.

"Alpha? Luna?," she cried, putting her fake innocent act as she retreated from Zen's growling stance," Do something!"

From the looks of it, my mother wanted nothing to do with this, but my father stepped in," Go back to your room, Brittany."

She looked up at him with grateful eyes before shooting my mate another glare, which I didn't contain myself from growling at her.

Stupid move.

She winced at my growl, shuffling herself out of there, but my father just had to stop her," Oh and Brittany, you are to leave your future Alphas alone, you hear me? If I was to hear something, your parents will be sure to hear of it."

Her expression hardened and her jaw clenched, but nonetheless she merely nodded.

I mean, its not like she can do anything else.

Her figure disappeared as fast as lightning, making me shake my head.

I knew she would cause trouble.

Brittany was just the type.

How could it that I actually thought she'd leave us be?

Having her presence gone, immediately made me relax, especially with my mate so close, but for her, it wasn't the case.

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