Chapter Nineteen: A loud bang.

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Chapter Nineteen: A loud bang.

- Zendaya's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

Im dying.


Im literally dying of laughter.

I think I was on the fourth or fifth album of Lewis's childhood pictures and this was just too priceless. Lena had already fell asleep on me and Lewis's mom had left with her husband for some pack meeting. But, I was enjoying myself.

Lewis's mom had given me a whole stack of photo albums of Lewis to look through and I've been doing this for hours.

Lewis was such a cutie, and Lena really did take after him. Curse them for having such good genes.

But, Lewis was awfully chunky when he was a toddler, and my hands ached to reach into the pictures and pinch the life out of his cheeks.

He was so cute!

Okay, its not that im complaining about his rock hard and oh so yummy body, but..

What happened to all his cuteness?!

He's just all handsome now, and sexy.

And mouth watering.


Okay, maybe its not a good time to lose control. Come on, Zen.

Turn the page.

And, I tried.

I did.

I really really tried to not laugh, but I couldn't help it!

I was staring through teary eyes at a smiling Lewis. A still cute, and adorable smile, only the reason why it made me laugh, was cause he was missing a tooth.

Okay, so this isn't as funny as the picture with Lewis in a Tutu, but it was cute all the same.

Why was there a picture of him in a Tutu?

Well, his mom said she badly wanted a girl, so she dressed him up like that.

And when they got Laura, Lewis was put out of his misery.

But, the pictures are still alive and made me laugh so hard, I swear, anyone can hear me miles away.

"Having fun?," An all too familiar voice whispered in my ear, making me gasp.

There was a look in his eyes that I needed to question about, but I was still a bit startled.

I didn't even hear him enter..

Well, who would with my loud mouth?

"Definitely," I couldn't help but grin. Who knew Lewis could be so adorable?

Now, I can't honestly imagine how gorgeous Lena would turn out.

She'd probably be gorgeous galore to the point where Lewis was going to need a whole S.W.A.T team to keep the boys away from her.

Back to the picture though-

Oh my God, his chunky cheeks!

"Oh man, I knew mom would show you these," Lewis groaned, his head falling into the crook of my neck.

I rolled my eyes," Don't be embarrassed, babe. I mean, look at you!," I pointed at the little boy in the picture," Isn't he just cute?"

About to turn the page again, my fingers only grazed the edge. I blinked, the album that was on my lap, immediately gone.

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