Chapter Four: Thinking so much.

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Chapter Four: Thinking so much.


- Lewis's P.O.V.  - - - - - - - - - -


"She just had to go and open her trap again. Like seriously, she should know we are together and she cant go talking about you like that! She needs to get a grip on herself, " Brittney went on and on.

Make her stop, my wolf whined and growled at her voice.

I couldn't even enjoy my favorite class because my chemistry partner was so annoying. Okay, so what if I liked chemistry? I liked to mix chemicals. Not the work. But my partner really gives me a headache. She never shuts up! And she thinks we have a thing! Which we don't. We only hooked up because it was what everyone expected. Since she was the head cheerleader. But I wasn't even in football anymore. I dropped out my last year to enjoy and gave my quarterback position to Kyle.

She seriously doesn't know how to take a hint. I've told her tons of times it didn't mean anything and what did she do? Laugh and say 'Stop pretending, Lewis.'

But honestly, I could thank her right now because since I had sniffed that scent, my wolf wouldn't stop pacing in our mental hang-out and demanding me to find the source. But with her talking and talking, she had my wolf finally still and pleading me to shut her the hell up.

The bell rang and I quickly shoved my books in my bag, and zipping it closed while trying to get the hell away from her. Why, oh why did my teacher be cruel and sit me with her?

When I was out the door, I took a deep breath and slung my bag over my right shoulder. Until I heard it again. "Lewis! Wait for me!, " she called out.

Run. You better fucking run, my wolf told me.

My eyes widened at her voice and I took off down the hallway. After hallway and hallway, I decided to make a stop at my locker. At least, I was safe away from her.

I swiftly unlocked my locker and shoved my bag inside. I don't even know why I use a bag. I only have a binder in it.

"Lewis, " A voice said sultry, but all I felt was creeper status. How the hell? Oh yeah. Shes a werewolf. Curse heightened smell!

Oh hell no! Pretend you didn't hear her, my wolf told me.

Yeah. You get mad when I treat girls like shit and your telling me to ignore her?, I replied.

He growled at me, What do you expect? Shes not our mate. The least you can do is leave a good rep for when we do meet our mate so she doesn't hate us.

I sighed and closed my locker to see Brittney leaning against the locker, sticking out her chest. "What?, " I snapped, making her flinch at my tone. Shit, that came out harsher than intended. Freaking wolf.

Hey! We both want her gone, he told me. She placed a hand on my chest in a way to comfort me and said, " Whats wrong, Lewis? You seem off today." Don't you think I noticed that?

"Want me to help with that?, " she purred, her mood completely flipping and was now trying to seduce me. Not to forget, she had her whole body pressed against mine.

My wolf felt excited for a split second, but that was immediately crushed and I felt nothing. Strange, huh?

I sighed once more before removing her hand from my chest. "Brittney, for the last time, we are not together. It didn't mean anything. It was just sex. We agreed on that."

She pouted, which made me think of her as cute, but that thought lasted for a split second until I felt nothing again. What the hell is up? It was like I knew something was close, but I couldn't put a finger on it.

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