Chapter Twenty Two: A little separation.

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Chapter Twenty Two: A little separation.


- Zendaya's P.O.V.  - - - - - - - - - -

"Zen, your brothers are outside," Alex nudged me, her worried eyes glancing over at Lewis before falling back on me.

For the past few days, I havent gone home. Mostly because of the fact that when I tried to leave past the door, it already hurt to be away from my mate.

And, also because of the fact that I dont want to face them just yet.

Alex has been informing me on what's going on, and my parentals arent that worried about me when they know Payton's with me, even if they dont exactly know where.

My sister is beyond pleased, considering she knows Ive met my mate, but my brothers?

Always depend on my brothers to go overboard when it came to me.

But, do they really have to come to my school?

I groaned, giving my mate a gentle squeeze before I released my hand to go chase them away.

If I didnt go outside, they'll most likely pull me out of school.

Alex followed me, her usual pumped up self quiet as she kept herself close to me. Which is another thing thats been bothering me.

My cousin is not quiet.

Nor is she a follower. Shes always in the lead.

And, she never really gave a care to who she was with, but when it came to following me, she always looked at who was my mates companions.

I would have asked her whats up, but the sight of my brothers had that conversation to a stop.

Oh boy.

- - -

"They want me home," I shrugged, sitting at our lunch table. Which by the way, got extremely large with the number of friends I had and Lewis had.

It wasnt my plan though.

Lewis refused to sit away from me, and apparently, everyone in his pack new of us being mates, mostly because his father had informed them.

But, my side has yet to know anything because of the fact that I was scared shit less.

As far as everyone on my side thinks, Im dating Lewis. Not that were mates.

And how my family has yet to figure that rumour out, well.. It sure surprises me.

A small squeal left my mouth when I felt myself being pulled onto Lewis's lap, making quite a number of our friends laugh at us.

More in particular, Me.

"Seriously, I still dont know when you guys started dating. Was it Zen's first day back?," Summer asked, looking completely curious as she shoved another spoonful of green stuff in her mouth.

This had everyone who knew, shooting looks at me because they knew the real story.

"Uh- we. Ha-," I struggled, not really sure what to say.

I mean, what was I supposed to say?

We never even went official. We were just- together.

"Yes, we've been together since then," Lewis saved me, making me really love him at this moment.

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