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Hey, my readers!

This is just an author's note, since I updated yesterday. d:

I wanted to say- HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, to all of you.

Im sure most of you are celebrating mothers day with your mom because I am! <3

Anyway, I got news for More than the Alpha's Daughter. (:

The book will be splitted into two.

^ Yes, I did say, TWO books. d;

Excited? No? Oh...

Well, I am! cx

Heehee, I did say I have a few tricks up my sleeve. (x

By the way, anyone noticed the new cover? d; Props to - tagyoureit - for making it! (:

And, for all the readers, new readers, and fans from the first book, I just wanted to THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, for being such great fans. And, I cant thank you enough for the big encouragement you guys are to me. I would have trashed this story long ago, if it wasnt for you guys.

For all of you, I'd just like to thank you for giving my stories a chance. For making past the first chapters, because when I read back on them now, I honestly dont know why I wrote all of that and I REALLY hope I IMPROVED. It must've been confusing as hell, and I greatly apologize. But, you stuck with me. And, I love you all for that.

Oh! And, on a super unrelated topic.. d:

I got a new puppy!!!!!! xDD It took me awfully long to choose a name for her since she never responded back, but she did when I called her Yuna.

Heehee, that is all, my loves. But, I love that this book was successful. It means much, guys, that you love it. c:

Question: What do you think on the characters? c: Any of them: Zendaya, Lewis, Chase, Lena, Laura.. etc. Tell me your thoughts! d:

Also, any character you miss? For the readers that read the first book, want any Zaira and Jace time, if you remember? cx Which characters do you want to see more of? (:

I love getting messages from you guys, so dont be afraid to talk to me! d:

Is there any Zendaya and Lewis fans out there? Who knows. xDD

Anyway, stick around, my lovelies. This book is far from finished. cx <-- d:="">

Not sure if you read my authors note, but for those who do, thanks for reading! (:

Te Amo, my readers! May you, Read On! <3

Heres a song for you? c; - Happy Mothers Day. <3

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