Chapter One: Its just school.

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Authors Note:

Sequel to [More than an Alpha's Mate].

Hello there, lovelies. I am the author and would like to advise you on a couple of things before you begin. This was indeed my first werewolf piece. You could call it a tester and was really just part of my learning process. It's not very well-written as of now, but will be fixed in due time. If you do continue on, I apologize for how poorly written it is and again- I hope you can understand I wasn't experienced enough yet. There are many, many errors throughout the whole piece and I typed like I couldn't see my keyboard. So, consider yourself fairly warned. When I have time, I'll be adjusting the story line and making the plot make much more sense. In the meantime, it'll have to stay as it is. I do hope you enjoy and keep negative comments to yourself for I have already warned you. Muah, dearies. <3 Enjoy.

- RolyatEnaj_



Chapter One: Its just school.


"Welcome home!"

I almost dropped my bags at the sudden surprise, but grinned at the familiar faces of the pack and my family. Celebration of me coming home? Not surprising.

My father and mother walked up to stand beside me and faced the pack to say, " My youngest daughter is finally back home. As Alpha, I couldn't be more happier. She has arrived safely, our pack is continuing to grow and we haven't run across anything that our forces couldn't handle. I'd say it's the perfect time for a celebration. Please, there are festivities available. Enjoy yourselves! Consider it an Alpha Command."

The pack cheered and went on with what the Alpha had said. I didn't have time to breath as my mother engulfed me in a hug.

"Oh, my baby! You're finally back! Have you eaten? Do you feel tired? Oh- Jace! What if our baby has jet lag? How was your plane ride home, sweetie?, " she cried, releasing me to brush the hairs out of my eyes.

I smiled, actually glad to have my mom worry over me. I haven't seen her in months. It was actually relieving to see her alive and well as always. I held her hand to stop her from frantically fixing my hair and replied, " It was great, ma. It was a long ride home and yes, I've eaten. No- I feel just fine."

She was about to worry over me again until my dad saved me, " Mate, let her be. Our daughter just got home. She is our daughter after all, I'm sure she's strong enough, am I right, kiddo?"

"Always!," I laughed, playfully swatting my dads hands when he ruffled my hair.

"Congratulations on making it back. I haven't seen you in a long time, cupcake," someone said beside me. My parents were already making their way towards the tables and I was grinning like a fool because I knew just who it was. It was my older brother, Zyron.

He crushed me into a hug before releasing just as another voice chimed in," Alright cupcake. My turn."

I already knew who it was. It was my other older brother, Zyrmy. Just to clear things up, Zymry is Triplets with Zyron and my older sister, Zenaisha. I turned on my heel to see both Zymry and Zenaisha standing side by side with smiles plastered on their lips.

"So like, when is my baby sister going to give me a hug?, " my big sister chuckled. I rolled my eyes and hugged my needy siblings.

My sister and I were close. It's usually difficult to discuss girl matters with my brothers. They wouldn't even know half of what I needed help with. Plus, my sister just understood me. Call it a sisterly bond, if you must.

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