Chapter Fifteen: Pink frosting.

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Chapter Fifteen: Pink frosting.

- Zendaya's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

"Mate, im sorry," I apologized, trying to be sincere, which I was, but Lewis was all too funny.

I couldn't help, but giggle at his childishness.

He had given me the best "pre-date" in the whole world and had brought me over to his pack house where we rested.

Luckily, his mom was out doing errands, and his dad was busy in the office so I didn't have to meet them just yet. Which, I wasn't quite ready for.

I was a bit anxious that his dad would walk out, but Lewis told me he never leaves his office. The way he said it made no room for question, but I did have to talk to him about it later.

I did meet some pack members that were home. Most of them were adults, considering all the younger ones were in school. Although I thought I'd be unwelcome, they were rather kind to me. Its kind of unbelievable how I grew up hearing how they were this and that, but they were anything but. They wanted peace between the packs, just as I did too.

Other than that, I did feel bad because I kind of had a date with Lena, too.

She was too cute and adorable to resist and I had played with her for over three hours, as Lewis put it.

Which was why he was throwing an adorable fake pouting fit, but I could tell he didn't really mind it at all.

Other than the fact that Lena and I did a makeover on him.

He resisted greatly, that if it weren't for us being mates, I knew he wouldn't have even thought to allow it. But, luckily, we were, so he did it for me.

I picked up the mini cupcakes Lena and I made about an hour ago to feed it to him, but I had a better idea.

Kissing the pink frosting, I pecked onto Lewis's lips, leaving my mark as the frosting coated his. This seemed to have worked since he growled, lust filling his eyes as he managed," Zen, you are just playing with me now."

I laughed, leaning on his shoulder as I looked up at him to see him lick the frosting from his lips," How'd you know?," I faked astonishment, giggling as he tickled me with the hand that was wrapped around my waist.

I kept my body as still as I could mange, which was pretty impossible since your reflexes are fast when your tickled. But, I had to at least try, especially when Lena lay sleeping peacefully on our laps.

I immediately clamped my hand down on his gently, 'Shh'ing him as I whispered," Lewis, Lena's sleeping."

Lena stirred a little, but nonetheless continued to sleep adorably with her mouth opened slightly. Why, oh why, are children so undeniable?

Its not fair because they can use their adorableness against you.

Thankfully, he stopped, but I involuntarily shivered as he whispered into my ear, his lips brushing softly against my skin as he talked," You know- You'll be a wonderful mother."

I bit onto my lower lip, turning my head to meet his eyes, but all I could think of when I saw his face was his lips. My eyes dropped to them, feeling everything in my fiber, as well as wolf, urge me to decrease the space between mine and his.

It would have gone that way, but a slight murmur broke that thought as my eyes dropped to the little one who rested in our laps.

I giggled a little at the impatient growl my mate released as I kissed his cheek to calm him.

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