Chapter Fourteen: He didn't jump.

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Chapter Fourteen: He didn't jump.

- Zendaya's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

"Lewis," I whined, kind of irritated because he wouldn't tell me where we were going.

He shook his head, a smile to his lips as he said this," Impatient much?"

I stuck my tongue out at him, which only made him laugh.

We had left the ice cream shop about half an hour ago, mostly because Lewis didn't want me near the guy at the counter. He didn't say so, but I think its obvious when a guy's jealous.

Anyway, he had parked his car a few streets back, which I was a bit worried. Lewis isn't in the least bit, even if his car can get stolen.

Just cause he has others at home.

Currently, we had our hands interlocked and he was leading me to someplace.

And, I still dont know where.

Stopping in my tracks, I dragged him to a stop. He turned to face me, worry clouding his eyes as he cupped my face," Mate? What's wrong?"

I folded my arms, not looking him in the eyes as I spoke," Im not going anywhere til you tell me where were going," I said firmly, happy at the defiance in my voice.

He rolled his eyes, dropping his hands to intertwine with mine as he pulled me up to him, my body slamming gently into his. His face dropped to where he was three inches away from mine as he tutted," Dont you trust me?"

That was a stupid question.

I mean, I did trust him. Since were mates, and also because if I died, ill haunt him forever.

Im just kidding, but seriously. I trusted him with my life, so easily.

"Well, when your trying to seduce me to," I pointed out, smiling as his head tipped back to laugh at my words," I guess I do."

He shook his head, his eyes crinkling as he smiled down at me. He leaned down to kiss my nose softly before making our foreheads meet to say," I adore you."

At those words, my wolf just melted. She doesn't talk much when im with him, to her thoughts, she keeps quiet, not to annoy me so we can stay with Lewis. But, I adore you meant so much to not just her, but me.

Its not like he's saying the words "I love you", but that's what makes it so special. It feels like that's what he's saying.

And, im glad he didn't jump to the word "Love" too soon.

I was pretty sure I was blushing like a tomato, but he didn't make a move to point it out. So, I replied with," I adore you, too."

"Aw, how cute," a voice spoke, interrupting our moment.

Feeling my head snap to the direction of it, I bet my cheeks burned even more.

There was an old couple that watched us, smiling acutely at us," Remember when we used to be like that, Charlie?," The lady turned to her husband.

She didn't wait for an answer as she turned back to us," Are you mates?," she asked, her interest obvious.

Her husband had rolled his eyes then, taking her hand to lock hands with," Kate, your always nosy, aren't you?," he chuckled as she shot him a look," Leave the couple be."

"Oh no, its alright," I assured, smiling at the lady who's name was Kate. I didn't mind really. They were werewolves too, and from the looks of it, mates.

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