Chapter Five: A little disruption.

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Chapter Five: A little disruption.

-Still Zendaya's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

"Dava!, " I exclaimed as she exclaimed, " Zenny!"

I hugged her tightly as she did the same. I haven't seen her in almost a year!

"My god, what are you doing here?, " she asked as we pulled apart. I acted hurt and pouted, " Why, You want me gone? "

She rolled her eyes and asked, " Aren't you supposed to be at Luna Academy? " I chuckled and shrugged, " Graduated early. You know me. Im so into getting out of school to go to school." Sarcasm in my voice.

She laughed, but a deep chuckle made me tense up. Her laughter stopped as she glanced behind me and shot me an apologetic look, " Sorry babes. I know you'll forgive me though. You know I cant disobey my Alpha " She said, rushing to leave.

"Davy, dont you dare go-, " the door shut cutting me off.

"Why mate? Are you nervous being alone with me?, " his deep husky voice whispered into my ear, sending that shiver down my spine.

Im not nervous. No. Im not. Liar -my mental voice taunted. Oh shut up! I turned around as I met his pale blues. My eyes briefly flashed to his lips, that sexy smirk of his. Oh, arrogant huh?

Wait, I cant. Im supposed to be avoiding him! But, I can at least mess with him? But that would be stupid if he was here to reject me..

But why would I let him mess with me first before rejecting me? Oh god, this is giving me a damn headache.

"You okay, mate? You look stressed. Should I help with that?, " he took a step forward, the same as I took a step back. He growled and narrowed his eyes at my movement.

"Zendaya, you shouldnt do that, " He warned me. I cursed when I shivered as he said my name. My name rolling off of his tongue. My goodness, get your head out of the gutter, Zendaya!

He took another step, as I took one back. We repeated it, him getting agitated as I refused to listen.

"I have to go. Chase is looking for me, " I said, feeling for the door knob. I only got it a crack open as he shut it, one hand beside my head.

I took a step to my left only for him to trap me, placing both hands on both sides. His eyes darkened at my words, flickering from blue to black, showing me his wolf wanted out.

And suddenly, his lips were roughly on mine. They were urgent, but soft and gentle, passionate even, but forceful. I placed both hands on his chest and pushed, but he wouldn't give. It was like pushing a brick wall.

And what I did next, surprised myself. I kissed him back. His lips on mine, the tingles from it, I could have died right there. And god damn, he knew how to kiss ! Wait, Stop kissing him!

But, honestly, I couldnt even if I wanted to, which I did. My body suddenly had a mind of its own. My wolf refusing to let me take her away from her mate. And how in the world would I get him off of me?

Soon enough, he licked my lower lip, asking for entrance. When I didn't give it, he nibbled on my lower lip, making me gasp. He took that opportunity to plunge his tongue into my mouth, and I could have sworn I died already. He tasted so good, so sweet.

Our tongues battled for dominance, him winning of course. I couldnt find it in me to stop. His tongue massaging mine, oh god.

"Lewis you.. Woah! Holy shit!, " some guy burst into the room. I immediately retrieved my hands out of his hair and unwrapped my legs from his waist, which I didn't even remember how it got there. Finally regaining all my sense and logic. When I gathered myself, I just noticed what I did. I just kissed him. Wait no.. he kissed me. Just great, Zendaya. So much for avoiding him. Not the sarcasm.

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