Chapter Twenty Five: The Awakening.

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Chapter Twenty Five: The Awakening.

- Zendaya's P.O.V - - - - - - - - - -

I laid perfectly still. The feeling of soft clouds underneath me as I spread my fingers to feel it.

Was this-

Cranking my eyes open, I cringed back at the brightness of the place. What the- wasnt it night time?

I reopened my eyes for a second try, quickly adjusting to such a sight as I slowly placed myself into sitting position. My jaw could have literally dropped.

Wherever I was.. It was so beautiful.

It looked like a fantasy garden. Just from where I sat, I could see different types of flowers scattered around me. A small gorgeous fountain from the far left end which merged into a sort of river that led down to the right side. A small flapper of wings sounding loudly as a couple of birds flew away from the biggest and most eyecatching thing throughout this whole garden.

The most prettiest rose bush that seemed connected throughout the whole place. Vines climbing the fences of the place blessed with red roses. Everywhere.

I looked down, feeling the soft grass underneath my hands as I ran my hands over it.

It was-

"Beautiful, isnt it?," A voice asked, nearly scaring me half to death as I quickly got to my feet and faced the voice.

"Who are you?," I asked immediately, staring at the back of a male.

I couldnt see his face. He just simply admired a rose attached to one of the vined walls, pulling it off of the stem and holding it gently in the palm of his hands.

"Though, your beauty will always beat the beauty of this place any time," he spoke gently, which weird enough, had my body twitching in need to touch him.

I fought harshly against the urge, completely confused as to why I felt this way towards him. He wasnt Lewis, but I felt drawn to him all the same.

His back muscles rippled just as he crushed the rose pedals in his palm, letting the withered flower fall to the grass.

He turned, my breath being taken away just as quickly as I drew it back in. I didnt know what had me so stunned other than the fact that he was rather very attractive, but his eyes drew me in the minute I was able to lock on those citrus looking orbs.

He was too perfect for words. His features defined in such a way, they looked as if he was sculpted for perfection. His red full lips stretched into a charming grin as his eyes seemed to zero in on me. The pearly whites of his award winning smile literally making my heart crash against my chest as he walked over to me.

While his aura just seemed to ooze of safety and security to wrap around me, it also oozed of danger. The type of danger that made my stomach flip excitedly at the vibe I got from him.

Not only did his appearance scream at me to fling myself at him and his perfections- it screamed at me at how wrong all of this was. These feelings weren't foreign at all and Lewis was the only male that could stir such reactions from my body. But, now, this male could aswell and that's what worried and confused me.

In that moment, all I thought was- this guy. And, shortly after- Lewis's face flashed in my eyes as it stunned me back.

I pushed my hands out infront of me, stopping him before he can get any more closer. Five foots distance was good enough.

"Stay right there," I ordered him, squinting my eyes at the eyebrow raise he shot at me as I clenched my jaw.

"Ill ask again. Who. Are. You?," I growled, being as threatening as possible. It was said strong, but my words had obvious falter in them because his eyes were such a distraction. That citrus color had me wanting to get lost in them over and ove-

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