Chapter Ten: A Seconds Waste.

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Chapter Ten: A Seconds Waste.


- 3rd Person's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

"Mate me, Lewis. Make me yours."

Hearing her say that, was probably one of the best eargasms Lewis has ever had in his life, besides her sexy moans.

Those words rang through his ears, making him more than happy to complete her request.

Stealing those delicious lips of hers back, he felt her laugh against his own, her lips following after him as her hands gently and slowly made their way to the back of his neck. Her fingers finding their way up and into his hair as she grasped it into her small hands.

Zendaya did not hold back.

Not once.

She let her wolf have what she's been begging for.

She gave in.

But, she liked it.

She couldnt deny him anymore. She knew that. She knew this would happen, but she wasnt really that all disappointed about it.

She was ready to give him a chance, seeing as he did say so himself, that he would not reject her. That he wouldnt even think to.

But, behind everything, she was what you could say, hesitant. Nonetheless, her body wouldnt stop her. It craved him. And the strengthening bond, wouldn't give her that much of a chance.

Even though most of Lewis's attention was on her lips, he let his hands roam, wanting and most definitely needing to memorize every curve, every angle, and every spot that he could find.

Lewis had grazed her bum, getting a good grip as he lifted her, Zendaya's legs automatically wrapping themselves around his torso as she held onto his shoulders to keep herself up.

He couldnt stop himself from running up the stairs, trying his best to hold onto her and bring them as fast as possible upstairs.

Zendaya let out a small squeal, her arms wrapping tightly around Lewis's neck as she hugged herself to him, when he almost tripped a step. Her head tipped back as she laughed, Lewis listening to the musical sound as he engraved it to memory to make her laugh again.

Zendaya grabbed onto his face, pulling his lips back to hers as he continued his mission up the stairs. She smiled against his lips, needing to have a little break just to laugh once again when he kicked the door open.

That wasnt until she felt herself being laid onto the most softest thing in the world, with a very hot, and very, very sexy Alpha hovering over her.

Lewis made sure he had his weight off of her, not wanting at all to crush her, but definitely keeping his body as close as he could with hers, dipping his head back down for their lips to meet again.

Zen couldn't explain the pure bliss she was feeling at this moment. Her body humming, literally vibrating from the contact and lack of separation.

Before Lewis went any further, he pulled back, amusement soaring within him as the beauty underneath him growled at the action," Are you sure about this?"

She rolled her eyes, her hands fisting up handfuls of his black hair and pulling his face back to hers. She nibbled onto his lip, tugging then sucking on it lightly as she released to let out a small laugh at Lewis's lustful growls.

"Do not even start on that romance cheesy crap. Kiss me, would you?" She huffed, her eyes glinting in that playful mischief," Or- Do I have to teach you how to kiss?"

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